
Do you really think that the candy/pop/snacks that kids get at school are what's making them fat?

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I don't think it is. It's good to teach the kids about nutrition, but I think it's ridiculous to cut out the snacks and pop, especially at parties. What's the harm of bringing a birthday cake to school on a child's birthday to celebrate with their classmates? Why not have some chips at their Valentine Day party? It's crazy. The foods that make the kids fat are the ones they're eating at home and in fast food restaurants. Educate them, but let them be kids and have a piece of candy occasionally. What is your opinion?




  1. I don't believe it is the snacks that kids are getting in school that are making them fat.

      I think what is making them fat is the fact that they go to school and sit in desks most of the day then they ride the bus home then when they get home they sit in front of the TV or video games until it is time to go to bed.  Then the next morning it starts all over again.

    You hardly ever see kids outside actually "playing".

  2. No, I don't think that having treats on a special occasion are what's contributing to childhood obesity. It's what they are offered everyday that is of concern to me. My child is able to get snacks at school as well as breakfast and lunch. If candy and junk is what is offered and they choose it daily, all those bad choices will add up.

    But that's still only part of the picture. Add to that what kind of food choices they have at home, plus how much activity they are getting and it adds up to a big problem.

  3. I think schools should watch what our kids eat. They are in charge of their safety and education for most of the day - why not their health too?

    If you have bad food at home, you can throw it out and buy healthy food.  That won't stop the chips and soda at school.  They shouldn't offer it.  You can go on forever about the right choices, but kids will be kids.  If their friends who are allowed to have soda and c**p eat at the same table, your kids will want the same food.  It shouldn't be available.

    Children have the right to some choices, but they should not be able to make all the choices in their lives.  The choices they make at school should be limited to "yes i like carrots, no I hate celery" or "yes I like milk, no I hate orange juice" rather than "coke or dr pepper?"

    We are to blame for what they eat at home, but we are also to blame if we don't try to limit what they can eat at school.

  4. I agree with the rules, but I agree with you that the foods in school aren't the real problem here.  Schools are just trying to protect the children and exposing them to such foods without the parents permissions is bad.

  5. It is lack of exercise, and doing the wrong exercises.

  6. I believe in is okay.  However, my daughters school has a snack time in the morning which she is allowed to buy chips.....when I found this out, she was only allowed snacks from home.

  7. No they are not the parents not keeping track of their kids diet is what is making kids fat.

  8. My daughter school use to sell ice cream

    They do not anymore, because they get more money from the government if they do not

    My daughter school, does not allow you to bring in food items for birthdays

    You need to bring a non food item for 19 children and the teacher

    Do you know how hard that is

    Last year, we did cupcakes

    This year, not allow to

    No, I do not think bring in cupcakes or having ice cream at school will make my child fat

    I think they are going to far

  9. I don't believe there is anything wrong with them, however, a child may not be getting the proper nutrition at home that in some cases it affects their behavior, learning and well being. A tummy full of junk food is not healthy. And there are a lot of controvesies with artificial, food coloring, and free radicals.

  10. I don't know what grade you are talking about, but most elementary schools where i am from don't allow that stuff. Obviously some do, i don't think it's right. it wouldn't make sense only because, they do teach children about nutrition and to hand out this junk during parties, is confusing the children.

  11. I think all the "healthy schools" initiatives are completely ridiculous for a variety of reasons:

    1) not selling candy, chips, and soda at school will not prevent kids from getting them. If their parents buy them, they can get them in abundance at home; if they have pocket money, they can buy them at any store. Re-stocking snack machines is not a deterrant in junk food consumption.

    2) many of the items that are put in the machines to replace candy and soda are not "healthy" at all--often, they have just as many calories and grams of sugar as their condemned counterparts. Sweetened granola bars, "natural" fruit snacks, and fruit juices are not healthy food choices.

    3) not selling snacks that kids like means that the school loses revenue. Vending machines usually provide an important source of funding for clubs, sports, and student organizations. You take the candy and chips out of those vending machines, and the amount that everyone has to pay to participate in sports or clubs jumps up dramatically.

    In the end, I think the removal of candy and soda from schools is both ridiculous and ineffective. It's not just the soda that's making kids unhealthy--it's the poor eating habits that are learned at home. Unless these habits vanish, kids are going to continue to be unhealthy, regardless of what foods they can buy at school.

  12. I don't think anyone thinks a cupcake at school will make anyone fat..BUT many schools have vending machines with junk food and that certainly adds to poor judgment as far as what to eat and what not to eat.   Also..many school lunch programs serve c**p too.

  13. i do think the same as you...if not at school, then they will come home and hoover the chips and whatnot, nothing is gonna stop them but school's just dont want to be the responsible ones.

  14. at the school my kids go to children can bring a snack from hom or they can buy a snack at recess. but the only thing they will get to drink if they but it at school is bottled water or fruit juice.  that is all they offer.

  15. The schools here still have sweets and stuff at the school parties. they have nothing for the kids to buy with lunch except a hot lunch or a milk. I send my daughter with healthy lunch sometimes, ex carrots and grapes w/ a sandwich. And sometimes I allow a bag of chips and a treat from her easter basket accompanying the sandwich. I think parents make kids fat. Definitely not school. Holding back the sweets is going to make them buy it behind your back, allowing it 24/7 isn't acceptable either. kids need to know they can have some chips or chocolate once in awhile. then the temptation wont be as overwhelming. The reason schools probably are making these rules is because not all parents are smart enough to have boundaries. They figure if they can help a little its better than nothing.

  16. It's part of the problem but so is the fact that kids spend too much time in front of video games and TV, the computer and generally being less active.  Usually the people that gripe about no junk food in school are the same one's who's kids are the fatties and shouldn't be eating it to begin with.  Kids that go home alone to an empty house to fend for themselves until mom or dad come home are going to binge on junk and be couch potatoes because who is there to stop them?  They are also more likely to start drinking, smoking and using drugs.

    You don't have to ban sweets totally, even when you're eating healthy, but continually and every single day in large amounts, well, there is a problem there.  Too much of anything is not good.  Schools cut out pop and sweets being brought in for birthday's in alot of places because there are kids that are allergic. Since most times birthday treats are given before lunch the teachers don't want 30 kids bouncing off the walls from a sugar high the rest of the afternoon.  Alot of schools say NO now to people even bringing stuff in at all and alot of them cut out parties all together because of problems with the junk food, allergy kids and religious issues with some families.  Now some schools won't even let kids bring PB&J because a peanut free kid is in the class (to which I say teach the peanut free kid to keep their paws off other peoples lunches and you don't have a problem, but don't punish the non-allergic... geesh!)   Schools try to up the issue on healthy food because it is their way of trying to teach kids who may not be learning that at home.  They want to see them make smarter choices so not making it available makes it easier to do so.  You can't blame home and fast food exclusively for obesity in kids. Sugar and junk food will make you fat as well in excess... what do you think fast food is? It's all sugar, salt and fat. There is NOTHING healthy in fast food restaurants- not even salads which get a wash in sugar water before making and serving.  The only healthy thing in fast food is bottled water. (trust me I was a prep cook for three different chains in college and know this).

    Couple all this with that fact that some schools have cut out PE programs or cut them back and some are trying to eliminate recess all together, well, the problem just keeps compounding itself.

  17. well obviously candy/pop/snacks are what make kids fat.  it doesn't really matter whether they're eating them at home or at school or at fast food restaurants.  

    personally, i don't see why kids need chips or soda or cake at school.  i would rather see my kids learning that it's possible to have a celebration without food, and that it makes more sense to eat when you're hungry and save sweet things for special occasions than to eat just because it's your classmate's birthday (especially when you have 20-some classmates and you're going to half their parties after school, anyway).  why do schools have to be in the junk food business? if kids so want a sweet snack, can't they bring it in their own lunchbox rather than distributing it to classmates who might be diabetic or allergic or struggling with weight issues or something?

    i know this is an unpopular viewpoint, so bring on the thumbs down.  i'm certainly not against giving kids occasional sweets.  but i believe as a parent (especially as a parent with a child with life-threatening allergies) that i should have some control over what foods my kids are given at school and how often they're eating chips, soda, or other unhealthy foods.  i'm not sure what the message is when schools tell kids that it's important to eat healthy, but have a birthday party with cupcakes every other week, plus food for random other holidays, plus a snack machine in the cafeteria.....

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