
Do you really think the Wii graphics Suck?

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Ok.I have all nintendo systems except for NES,SNES and gameboy colour

And i have a PS3

Do you really think the graphics suck

My PS3 on my HDTV is no doubt stunning(Call of Duty 4 & Blu-Ray)

Though the wii graphics are still good.I dont know why PS3/360 fanboys put the Wii down

My favourite game is on that system-Super Smash Bros Brawl

Though my second my favourite is Cod4(i have over 31 games,im not joking,why would i lie?i would be sinned for it)What do you think about the Wii graphics(and PS3 overall with the features and the games is better,though Wii games are bout family,and PS3 isnt)




  1. Well, its definately not as good as the PS3 and 360s graphics but I wouldnt say it sucks.  I have my Wii hooked up to my 1080p tv with a HD cable.  Who says being a gamer has anything to do with the graphics?


  2. They are fine.  It would be nice if they were better, but they are perfectly fine.

  3. I don't mind graphics.

    I still play NES games

  4. no i don't think they "suck" they are not the best graphics ever but they are still good. i also have a PS3 and i do believe that PS3 has better graphics but wii is more family orientated  

  5. I'm really not a person who's impressed by graphics. I played a bit of MGS4, on a big HDTV, and I was just "meh."

    While occasionally I'll wish for better graphics, I really only care about things that actually affect gameplay. Better physics, smoother framerate, stuff like that.

  6. personally i think its has the worse graphics out of the 3 BUT out of the 3 the  wii has way better gameplay witch is key in games and the wii has great capacity in creating a awesome game due to the motion sensor and gameplay

    many people thinks its only for party but there are a good amount of games you can enjoy  by urself and online and stll games to come will be even more action making you feel like your the actual  charcter in the game.  

  7. dude post ur question in video games and recreation istead of wii cuz in this ders alotta fanboys....honestly i have a wii but im selling it jus not for me but i have 360 and honestly though wii doesnt have really good graphix lol i bet im going to get a thumbs down!

  8. You're right, I can't understand why one console 'has' to be worse than another. Then again.. I remember the days when you bought games on Cassette Tapes.. Now THOSE were loading times!

    d**n kids today, don't even know they've been born!

  9. I agree with mushroom, I have never been impressed by graphics.

    I personally look at game play and plot of the story rather than how good the graphics look.

    I have a friend that I show nintendo games to all the time and the first thing that always comes out of his mouth is "Oh these graphics suck."

    I just wish that he would look at the things that matter first.

    It is such a shame. I even got saddened when I bought Paper Mario (one of my all time favorite games) and my mom said something like "Why would you play that game when there are plenty of better looking games on the market?"

    I guess parents just don't understand.

    But, bottom line, I would rather have the wii with its less than perfect graphics and its amazing franchises and game play than an amazing looking first person shooter with a generic plot and a generic list of objectives in missions any day.

  10. The ps3 and xbox 360 fanboys are stupid they act like if the wii had N64 or SNES graphics!the wii graphics are not the best but not the worst either!

  11. they don't suck, per-se, but they suck by comparison

  12. s***w them (about your friends and kids at school) they suck

    nintendo wii graphics are good but ps3 or xbox 360 are better but the wii does have good graphics.

  13. I think PS3 and  Xbox 360  have better graphics than Wii. Ps3 have better graphics than xbox 360. Wii suck .  PS3 is 100% better than Wii  and X360..........

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