
Do you really think the government actually has a building with all those computers listing to everybody?

by  |  earlier

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You know, kinda like the simpsons movie when it showed all those computers in that room, and all the people in there were listing to everybodys conversations in the whole country? do you think theres actually a place like that in our country?




  1. There are communications monitoring departments, but I know from the conversations that I overhear, that it would fry my brain to listen to what is a load of drivel all day. So they are not listening to everybody, otherwise half the population would be working for the government.

    Computers would be triggered on certain words, so be careful out there!

  2. yaaa there is i saw something on the discoery channel about so they can proectect us form torists but they dont listen to everyone just long distance calls.

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