
Do you really think the so called "GREEN" movement has any validity?

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Is it possibly a guilt based movement based on the silent knowing and feeling of Doom caused by knowledge of enviromental disasters and the possibility of more to come all around us. Do you really think it possible to fix what happened without looking like the model that hippies have presented already? Where is the s*x and love message in the green movement? It appears to me, green really just stands for money money money and a "mass denial movement" where mass amounts of people will pretend we are balanced with our ecosystem.




  1. Yes, it is a good idea to try and impact the environment at or near zero.  However, most of their "scientific research" is not valid.

  2. Not sure what you're perspective is, but I definitely hear you... we have a problem here. The term "green" has gone stale, just like the term "environmentalist".   These terms have unfortunately come to define something pretty narrow -- what comes to my mind are upper middle class, white people, who want to protect pristine natural areas so they can use them for themselves, and like to chastise everyone else for their anti-environmental practices while they waltz around the globe on 747's.  I am someone who works in the field of environmental education, and find myself ever more frustrated with the inability of the "green" movement to connect to people at a personal, immediate level that really motivates.  Things have to be personal for anyone to care about them.  If this movement is to have any validity, it needs to reframe itself as something relevant to all people -- people with families who care about the future of their children, people who want to see a future where there is enough to eat, and safe water to drink, people who want to find more innovative, less dependent means of powering our societies than fossil fuels. There are things we can do now, but companies have to get on the bandwagon, and consumers have to care... to feel like protecting the environment is urgent, and yet that they can do positive things themselves to make a difference. People need to feel impowered as individuals, not scolded for how "bad" we all are while some scary doomsday scenario is being crammed down our throats by high and mighty environmentalists. This fear of the green movement has actually been termed "ecophobia" -- people who don't even want to go there because it's so negative! My boyfriend is one example of someone who feels this way. And I don't blame any of these for being turned off by the "green" movement. What I think is that in order for this movement to be effective, it needs a new face -- the face of the average person, not a Hollywood elite or 60's hippee -- a normal person who simply cares about their childrens' or grandchildrens' future. And who doesn't care about these things? My question is what can we do to build this movement into something broader, where the real needs of people such as economic stability, health care, etc, are taken into account and a wholistic solution is put together. As far as answers, some solutions I see that could be implemented now are increasing wind power and building more electric cars that could run in part on this wind power (see the movie "Who Killed the Electric Car". Also, we could learn from other countries, both poorer countries where people are happier with less resources (but have more time for family and meaningful connections), and richer European countries where innovation is happening quickly, creating whole new sectors of the economy and job opportunities across the board.

  3. Well, we couldn't fix what has happened but we could prolong the damage by making more people to become "green." Eventually there would be even worse environmental diasaster occurring in later generations, but it might not affect it that soon.

  4. No it does not.  Listen to this interview with Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace.  He is very critical of the modern day green movement.  This is not an outsiders paranoid view.  It comes from the inside.

  5. Any possitive impact to help the Environment in any way is in principal good ,

    obviously some organisations are much more effective that others .

    but a small positive is still better that anything negative

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