
Do you really think theres a need to have horrible things happen to in order to become an atheist?

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I don't , but thats what most christians seem to think...If your an atheist too, tell me if that is your case.




  1. No. Normally hardships help you to bond with God

  2. The horrible thing has already happened; that man fell from his first estate.

    As for horrible things occurring in the life of an individual, no, it does not have to be that way in order for a person to deny the existence of God.

  3. No.  You can have common sense thats not a horrible thing.  

  4. No, my atheism is a direct result of a good thing happening to me (the births of my children)

  5. No.  I know that is not true.  My boyfriend has had the very best life, and he is atheist.  I am agnostic.  No one bothers either one of us about our beliefs.  Know why?  Because we are respectful of others' beliefs as well. We don't go around picking of other peoples' religions, we just do as we want and leave them alone and accept them.  Why don't you try it?

  6. Oh shut up and grow up.  No one cares.  Quit trying to provoke people.  

  7. No. Just became an atheist because I don't believe in a god. There is no evidence for any god and the bible is full of nonsense.

  8. nothing bad happened to me i just read the tanakh and it didn't make alot of sense  

  9. No I do not.  Religion is just another story.  It's no different than stories from Mythology.  If you think about it, that's exactly what the bible is - mythology.  I for one like myth's.  They get your mind wondering and thinking of a higher power but, I do not think religion is what it was supposed to be.  Religion is actually one of the world's biggest money making schemes; and I for one don't fall victim to it.  The biggest reason I don't go to church is because I would be a hypocrite like everyone else sitting in church.  

  10. No, nothing really horrible has happened to me. If there was anything I could consider a traumatic experience that caused me to take up agnosticism/atheism, it would be realizing that the faith I was raised with was nothing but an ancient pack of mystical lies.

  11. And yet, you call yourself "broken soul girl"...

    And it does seem as if a great many atheists do say that they resented religion being forced on them as children, and, by golly, that's why they don't believe now.

    I hear so many atheists talk about how some horrible tragedy happened when they were young...their ____________ (insert beloved relative, friend, pet, or whatever) got sick, or had an accident, or suffered some trauma, and were either disabled for life, or, died, and the kid got the idea that God shouldn't have allowed that to happen, or, perhaps someone told him that if he just had faith, it wouldn't happen, or....

    Or they were abused or molested by some religious figure as a child....

    Or they didn't get something they prayed for...

    Or their family was poor...

    Or they were "picked on" as kids...

    Or _________ (insert trauma here)....

    And, obviously, if God loved them, He would have seen to it that he didn't suffer...

    Therefore, God must not exist.

    Sure, maybe a few atheists may have come to the conclusion that there must not be a God through their own reason and logic.

    However, it is just as reasonable and just as logical to believe that there is a God.

    What totally frosts my cookies is when they go on and on about how foolish anyone is to believe in God, sine they have made the tremendous discovery that they have no belief in any deity (notice they carefully do not say that there is no way there could be a deity, just that they have no belief in a deity, because, you know, calling atheism a belief is akin to calling bald a hair color, right?), and then, when they are all through trying to tear up everybody else's faith, they calmly tell us that they (and they alone, of course) are "free thinkers"....

    It would almost be funny....if it weren't so very pathetic.


    Ahh, but your name is NOT "little miss happy sunshine rainbows in the sky", is it?

    By the way, I chose my name because I collect angels, and I have very long silvery hair..., you don't believe in God.

    Got it.

    I'm not about to try to "convert" you. Your belief...oh, wait, I forgot, atheism isn't a belief...okay, your lack of belief, completely your own business. Obviously, you have already heard the gospel, and decided that you don't believe it.

    But I do wonder how your soul got broken....

    Are you sure you didn't drop it, by accident, perhaps??

  12. The most horrible thing that happened to me was when I was praying and it finally dawned on me that I was simply talking to the wall...yeah...pretty aweful.

  13. no. most people (even Christians) that read the Bible carefully, will realize that there are many, many instances of contradictions. I think all that is needed to become an atheist is either education in science, or a brain. Traumatic events could be the catalyst for the change as well, but that isn't the only path to Godlessness. Personal beliefs as far as I am concerned, are an equal part of two different religions, Discordian, and Toltec. I take from any faith I encounter the bits that make sense to me, and make my own religion.

  14. No.

    All people will at some time have something horrible happen. Most people - Christian or atheist - will attest to this.

  15. I hit a squirrel on my drive home one day.

    I immediately braked.

    I got out and began shouting, "How could God be so cruel?!"  *shaking fists in the air*  I wept for at least thirty minutes when I realized that there could be no just God.

  16. I de-converted from christianity to atheism, and there were no horrible events involved. It happened due to an internal process of questioning, research, education and growing up. Also, it took me three years to get through it, so it's not like I just made a hasty decision because I was mad at the world or something...Unfortunately, this is what many christians seem to think! *Sigh*.

  17. Could be, one of my main motivations for being atheist is the blood-spattered history of all religion, which only reinforces my mindset that religion is nothing more than a feeble, human creation.

  18. >>>do you really think theres a need to have horrible things happen to in order to become an atheist?


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