
Do you really think your personalities are set from when you are born?

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I've heard that your are born with your this true?...Or can people really change?




  1. mmm i would say that i think they do. I mean you can get the most terrible parents that have children, some could grow up to hate their parents antics and other to jump on board. its like i have 2 children and i bring them up the same but they are like chalk and cheese and always have been.  

  2. We are a result of our surroundings. We are what our past has made us, etc. Personalities are molded as we grow and experience things. :-)

  3. no i it grows along wit u

  4. combination of both.... you should watch this program of identical twins separated at birth raised in totally different environments and then later reunited... it is amazing!! even though one was beaten, etc. and the other a great life in wealth... they both still carry SOOOO many of the same personality traits.. sit the same, dress, attitude and even as far as choosing the same career.  it really changed my outlook (because i use to think it was all nurture and not much natrue) now i see different..

  5. Technically speaking, that could be true - we all start with different "settings" caused by our genes and the concepts created inside our developing minds during infancy inside the womb.

    Also, it could be true from another perspective - that those who surround us when we are little create our personalities for us.

    On the other hand, it's entirely possible for people to change, and go against the very fabric of their personality.

    Humans are very chaotic creatures.

  6. people change all the time

  7. it is not true. depending on who you are surrounded with growing up effects your personality as does the place you live, think about it!! it makes sense

  8. Its as the turkish say, What you are at 7, you'll be the same at your 70.

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