
Do you really treat people the way you want to be treated?

by  |  earlier

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Try to be honest with yourself.




  1. yes, i do my best. a pretty good rule to live by,methinks.

  2. **** no lol, not always.

  3. Nah, just the girls.  I always say whats up to them, cause I want them to start doing it to us guys.  

  4. absolutely do, you get what you give, if you show respect you may not recieve it but you are the better person for having shown it, same with manners, kindness, courtesy  

  5. mostly

  6. I treat people with respect only some of the tramps I know do not know the meaning so I give up as from today!

  7. Not all the time.  I must be better behaved.

  8. actually i do, i really try to be nice. BUT, i also treat people the way they treat me - sometimes.

    sometimes i go to the store or something and they're rude to me, so i try to be nice that way maybe they could change their attitude but if i'm already upset about something i get mad and i'll give them a mean look.

  9. yup, i get very shocked sometimes by the way some people behave.

  10. No. I try to, but some people don't deserve to be treated right.

  11. i dont all the time.sometimes i catch myself and remind myself that i wouldn't like it when it's done to me

  12. absolutely...100% respect for people....& i expect it back.

  13. Yes, I believe so.

  14. I do because karma is an evil cruel mistress!

    but there are days where I will catch myself acting like a b*tch and will correct myself mid-conversation and apoligize.

    And if people are being mean to me, I don't even think twice about being mean back, I just naturally am.  

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