
Do you really want a soccer mom with zero experience in the oval office?

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especially with the state of current events in Russia?




  1. She's only VP, it's not like she is making the decision on whether to attack Russia, or not.

  2. Better than a racist with zero experience.

  3. no

  4. It's Hockey Mom not soccer mom and she kicks butt.  She is not afraid to put someone into the boards, so the answer is, "You bet your britches", pal !

  5. It strucks me that the Obama fans have this kind of questions while their own candidate has done SH... has ZERO experience... Accomplished nothing.

    This woman has accomplished flighting corruptions. She fought for her people. She has experience in leading the state.  What does this moron Obama have? He can't even help his own blood, brother, who lives in a shack $1/month.  It's a shame that you people even raise the stupdid question....

  6. You have to admit that she has better qualifications than Obama.

    Maybe you Obama supporters should avoid calling attention the the fact that McCain's vice-presidential pick is better qualified than Obama.

    Otherwise qualifications just may become an issue.

  7. I don't care if she's in the oval office. I do care if she is the president.  

  8. I'll pick the soccer mom over the liberal stuffed suit former community organizer any day of  the week.  Did you hear her speech?  She rocks!!!  I can't wait to see her go head-to-head with Biden in the VP debate.  She's going to kick butt.  It's a great day in America!!!!

  9. No, but some folks don't want a black man in there either.

  10. in the oval office? she's the VP. do we really want a community organizer?

  11. Look at we have now,and look where we are now.

    Obama 08...

  12. To the other people who said she's not gonna be in the oval office if McCain wins, what bout when old man Cainers dies [72]?! Then she will be. Oh snap.

    Umm I really don't, not really.

    I really like Obama/Biden much much more (: They look like a great team with a firm plan. McCain in my opinion, looks like he made a spontaneous choice without getting to know this woman further, and even though they agree on the same things, doesn't make them a team necessarily.

  13. I'd rather have a female VP with the credentials she has than a PRESIDENT without any credentials at all trying to lead us with the current state of things!!!!

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