
Do you really want to elect another arrogant Republican ?

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as President in light of the way the World now views the United States?




  1. Don't worry-  McCain/Palin don't stand a chance!

  2. NO NEVER! I don't know what these REPUBLICANS are smok'in,but between their lies about a war for oil,a economy that has been raped by their( FAT CATS) ENERGY,PHARMACEUTICAL,TOBACCO and PENTAGON CONTRACTORS that SUCKED OUT BILLIONS and BILLIONS without ACCOUNTABILITY. Yeah!!!!!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ,If they think their going to get CHANGE from John McCan't then they must believe in the tooth fairy riding in on a unicorn to save them.

  3. Better than another arrogant Democrat.

  4. Better than an arrogant, coke-headed liberal.

  5. Yeah lets elect another arrogant do nothing Dem. You care too much about what the "world" thinks. The "world" was pretty hard to convince when we were fighting for our Independence. If we listened to the "world" back then we'd still be English.

  6. Who cares how the rest of the world views the United States?  We didn't get to be #1 by kissing every else's ***.  p**s on them.

  7. What's the alternative, an arrogant Democrat?

  8. better then a racist democrat

  9. I want a leader who has experience.  

  10. Better than vote for just AN ARROGANT DEMOCRAT!!!!

  11. Huh? There's not an arrogant republican running for office.

  12. Do we really want someone who has no substance and his only experience is being a community organizer (whatever that means). He is trying to get elected by promising you the world and making rich Americans pay for it. He will expand the government, which will continue to be wasteful in spending, as well as try and let the government takeover your healthcare.(look at Canada's problems) Foreign affairs are looking more and more aggresive with several countries disturbing the peace. I don't think I want Obama to be the next president.

  13. as opposed to an arrogant Democrat and his nasty angry racist wife Yes I do. Actually made up my mind within the last 2 days.

  14. h**l nah.

  15. No, not at all that is why McCain is the right choice.

    I think he can be called a lot of things but Arrogant is not one of them, that is the other guy.

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