
Do you reccomend 'St. John's Wort' for a bipolar 14 year old girl?

by  |  earlier

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and btw i don' have a doctor, it's called being poor and this country doesn't give medicare.




  1. St. John's Wort is something that I can go into a vitamin aisle and buy in a shop without a prescription.

    Bi-polar disorder is often a semi-serious problem, I would recommend highly to get a professional opinion from your doctor first.

  2. If St Johns Wort worked for bipolar disorder then you would see it advertised on this forum everytime someone posted, so, no it probably doesnt.

    Speak with your doctor about what medications you need.

  3. we don't recommend things. your doctor does.

  4. I took St Johns Wort for a while and it made me a little coo-coo.  And I had horrible nightmares while I was on it.  I would not recommend it.  But, since you don't have many options, maybe you could try just a little SJW and monitor how she reacts to it?  Also, I heard that fish oil, Omega-3 and Choline may help.  

    Good luck.

  5. No you need to go to a dr.  they have special aid for poor people you can get help i too am bi-polar and it took alot of meds to find the right ones to help  but they do have meds to help you and they do work but a dr needs to help you the find the right dosage of meds you need, not just some over the counter med that might work?  Please see a dr for some help ASAP.

  6. No, I would not recommend St John's Wort for a 14 year old.

    Although health food stores say that St. John's Wort can help with the symptoms of bipolar disorder, I have found no evidence or research to support that fact.  In fact, it can cause even worse problems in the long term.

    Unfortunately, the teen years are hard enough (with hormones and social/peer stresses) being diagnosed with bipolar disorder can be hard for the doctors to treat.  From personal experience, it can take years to find the best treatment.  

    The best thing to do, in my opinion, is to work very closely with the doctors to ensure she is receiving the best possible treatment. Stay involved, make doctors talk to you. If you don't understand, ask.

    Good Luck

  7. if she's bipolar and she's on medication, no, because things like antidepressants have a bad reaction with st johns wort.

    go to your doctor. yahoo answers does not know the girls medical history etc.

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