
Do you receive a letter requesting you for military service in the british army?

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and if you've got time.. what does it say if you're called out to iraq? writing about it =]




  1. Well, my father trained and served in the army for 6 years.  22 years later (or 22 minus 6... I can't remember) he received a letter saying he was now completely out of the army, meaning they would not recall him for service.  During these years before this letter came, they could have sent a letter recalling him to duty if it was necessary ie. if they were in a pretty desperate need of troops.  I believe that, depending upon circumstances, you can get out of this (if you are a single parent, for example), but I'm not certain how they would go about recalling you.  I hope this helps, good luck with your writing.

  2. Simple answer is no.  What you seem to be talking about is 'conscription' or 'National Service' which was abolished her in UK in c1959-1962 or so. . .

  3. all these people do not know what they are talking about.....

    you know you are going to afghanistan or iraq 6 months before you actually go.

    you do a type of training called optag. before your deployment.

    there is no written orders. no letters.

    long answer short, everyone knows 6 months in advance the only people that dont are the special forces who can be posted anywhere anytime.

  4. Nope, the draft hasn't been in use since world war 2! With military cutbacks I doubt that there will be anything like it in the near future!

  5. You receive written orders.

  6. NO

  7. they will only get u in service if the army is not enough to provide  they needs,

  8. If you are in the army , you do not live at home you live in barracks and if have to be shipped over to fight in a conflict it is posted on orders which you have to read every morning

  9. No conscription here

    Only exception being if you choose to join the army or if you take the queens shilling and join the weekenders (the TA  territorial army)

    The TA I think works like the National Guard in that its people in normal walks of life who do army types of things on the weekend. They may get conscripted depending on their particular area of army expertise

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