
Do you reckon this was just a weird period? please help?

by  |  earlier

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Well ok, Im not due on my period until next Thursday, but since stopping depo may 2007 in order to ttc, my periods are still all over the place. On wednesday this week, I started spotting, literally only when I wiped - not enough to mark a pantyliner or anything. Then yesterday, I had a day of bleeding so I assumed that my period had come a week early. And now today, nothing. No bleeding at all. Do you think its just a weird short period. I didnt have any period pains at all, and they normally last around 4-5 days. Any thoughts?




  1. alot on women on YA claim to have signs of implantation bleeding, but if you ask the question to pregnant women 'did you have implantation bleeding?' 99.999% say no they never had it. I never had implantation bleeding, not one of my friends or family did either.

    The depo jab can effect you hormonally for years, i bled continuously for a whole year after just 1 jab! some research has said it can take atleast 18 months to conceive, if this is true your time hopefully is near.

    i hope you are pregnant and i hope you are one of the few that has experienced implantation bleeding. take a test and good luck!!!

  2. I had a similar thing myself - after months of being regular after coming off Depo -  I had the spotting as you described - one day and then nothing.  A few days later - I had my proper period.  This then happened like this for a few months.  I would wait until you are actually due and then take a test.  I know that you can take tests before you are due (but these sometimes can give false negatives - and it is advisable to test again on the day you are due) so i would save your emotional energy and money to do just the one test when you are due on.

    Good Luck  

  3. could be implantation bleeding, although this is quite rare i am told.

    also your periods may still just be all over the place, id wait an few more days then doa test.

    wish you all the best x*x

  4. Same thing happened to me and now i have a 3 year old daughter! Test on the day your period is due. Good luck!

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