
Do you recommend a baby swing or not?

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Or I should say does your baby like it? I haven't boughten a baby swing yet, the motorized ones not the ones you have to push. Some people have told me that a swing is certainly a necessity and some people say they are a waste of money, I want to hear others opinions before I decide to buy one or not.




  1. When my little sister was a baby, she had a motorized swing and she LOVED it.  

  2. I have 4 children one of whom is 8 weeks old now.  Two of my children didn't care for the swing including my 8 week old baby boy.  The other two loved the swing and I wouldn't have done without one.  The only thing that I would be careful of is not to depend on the swing to much if your baby likes it.  There is nothing like holding your baby but there are times I wish I could depend on a swing to sooth my baby while I get things done.  My house is in shambles.  lol

  3. the rocking motion always put my kids to sleep. i wouldn't put a lot of money into it though because when they hit the age where they can crawl they are not going to want the swing at all!

  4. For me, the swing was not so good.  Yes, my child would sleep in  it for just a bit but my first and my second really liked the carters bouncy. I would turn that on vibrate and they would drift off to sleep, sometimes.  They just weren't really big fans of the swing.

    We had the car seat that had the base in the car so mine would also sleep in the car seat and I'd just put the car seat in their crib and they'd finish sleeping like that.

    Both of mine actually liked sleeping in their crib more than anything.  To this day (ages 3 and 1) they both sleep better in their bed/crib than anywhere else.

  5. It's a 'necessity' if your baby is fussy and won't be calmed in any other way. It's a 'waste of money' if you never need it and never use it.

    I would wait and see.  If, after baby arrives, he is very fussy and won't' be calmed in other ways (holding/rocking/nursing/swaddling) you can try a swing. (Ideally, borrow one first to see if it helps before shelling out the big bucks.)

    We never owned a swing, and never missed it.

  6. it was the best thing i ever bought. my daughter was completely into it! i could clean house and fold laundry because of that thing! i recommend you buy one!

  7. My son loved the swing, a friend of mines kids hated it when they were babies. it all depends on the baby. I loved mine, it worked great for me. I would recommend giving it a try

  8. I have three boys, I had a swing for all of them - two of them enjoyed it but one didn't.  So it really depends on what your baby likes!

    It really is worth it though, try finding a consigned one so that you aren't wasting too much money if she/he doesn't end up enjoying it.  

    One thing ALL my boys loved though, was a bouncy seat that vibrates.  They loved it and it was nice to feed them in when they were too young for a high-chair!

    Good Luck!

  9. The fisher price ocean aquarium cradle swing was the best swing for our baby (before he got to heavy for it) and it was amazing....NOT a waste of money..

  10. As you mentioned, you will hear different things.  My daughter did love her swing.  I registered for one of the Fisher Price Take Along swings, it's smaller and sits lower to the ground, perfect for home or travel.  It was great cuz it was small (we live in an apt.) and it folded up so you could put it aside if you needed to.  It had a mirror, some small toys, and music on it.  She used it forever, it seemed!  lol  Until she finally got too big for it.  I was definitely glad I had received it, ours got a lot of use even if I had spent my own money on it would have been totally worth it!

  11. I didn't buy one for either of my kids and it was fine.  My son age 8 gets motion sickness (can't stand the swings on the playground!!) and he would have hated it, I see now.  My daughter age 8 mo. would have probably liked it but to be honest--I didn't have the room to keep it.  They take up some space and I would rather have something larger she can play in for longer than a swing.  

    Just my opinion.

  12. Yeah!!!!! they may seem unsafe at first but once u get used to seeing the baby on it you'll c how much fun they're having and realize how safe it is

  13. yes indeed if you love the baby

  14. It was definitely a necessity in my son loved his swing until about 5 months...and he's liking it again, at age 8 months...if you know someone with a swing, try to borrow it...

  15. I would definitely recommend a swing!  My sister didn't realize what she missing when I bought her one. She was able to get a lot more done around the house. She kept thanking me for buying her one.  I have took care of a lot of babies and I've only come across a few who didn't like the swing.

  16. Take your baby to a store with them and see if he/she likes it.  Some love it and some hate it.

  17. I bought a small one on craigslist for like $10 when my baby was born, then since he liked it a lot we went out and bought a nice one(and new). I didn't invest in any of that kind of stuff until after the baby was born, because most of the time you will just waste your money and hardly/never use the stuff

  18. I had gotten 2 swings for my baby shower that my twins didn't like at all.  It was a normal evenflo front to back swing.

    My mom ended up getting me two ocean wonders aquarium swings when they were about 3 weeks old and OMG did that save me or what?!

    I love those swings.  They swing back to back and side to side.  I NEEDED them with my twins.

    I don't know if my new baby will have as much swing time as my twins did but I'm certainly keeping one!

  19. Yes, yes, and YES. It's been a complete lifesaver for us. We even got ours(Fisher Price Nature's Touch) for only $60 through So it was about half the price.

    Seriously though, I recommend getting one. Sometimes it's the only thing that calms our baby down.

  20. We never bought one for our daughter and she had terrible colic and screamed a lot. My sister in law had one and she has let us use it for a while and it is a God send. That said, your baby may not like it and you may not find it necessary. If you have a friend who has one see if you can visit with your baby and see if your little one like it.  

  21. You might want to try a resale, especially since you aren't sure if your baby will like it.  My daughter enjoyed it occasionally. We bought one at a resale for about 35 dollars so it was fine that she only wanted it once in a while.  However, the few times she did like it, it was a lifesaver to me.  It allowed me to get some laundry and stuff done while she was in it.

    Many resale places have some really nice and gently used kid stuff there.  Especially things like a swing that a baby can only use for a relatively short period of time.

  22. My swing is a life saver!! My daughter loves it. I have the one that is a swing and bouncy seat in one.... really easy to use and it plays music. Totally worth it!

  23. I love our swing.  Not sure if I'll have to use it for this baby, but with my first daughter it really helped comfort her because of the colic she had in the evenings.

    We got the fisher price model that plugs into the wall.  No wasted batteries!

  24. buy one it normally puts baby to sleep or shops baby cryiny. good if you having dinner ,hot drink,bath or just need time out

  25. I'm going to get one. EVERY mother I have talked to recommended that I get one. I've never heard anyone say it was a waste of money, unlike a changing table, or "fancy" clothes, or a diaper genie.

  26. I got one where you could plug it into the wall or use batteries, it worked for us because that way we took him outside and he could sit in his swing, but once he got bigger we just placed him in a bouncy chair or bumbo seat.  We stopped using ours after a month and donated it to another family, which we will get back once number 2 comes in october.

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