
Do you recycle? paper, plastic.?

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I can't find a plastic recylce place near my home. It seems like a hassle to drive so far for my little bit of things. It seems like they would make it easier to recycle since it helps the planet.




  1. I'm crazy about recycling.  I started doing it about 10 years ago when our daughter was in elementary school and told me we had to "save the earth".  Since then, I've gotten better and better at knowing what and when items can be recycled.  Your town/city doesn't recycle plastic?  Perhaps you could contact the city (look in the blue pages of your phone book) and ask if there is a place to take your plastics. If there isn't, tell them your community needs one!  Also, for plastic bags, most grocery stores and Wal-Marts have a bin in the front of the store for those.  As a fellow traveler on this earth, thanks for trying to do your part!

  2. It's time to act globaly and that starts with your community. Get involved with your local government, let them know there needs to be a local recycle center, with pick up service. Ours has ond conjealed box, we recycle everything, paper, plastic, metal, cardboard, and glass. about $20/mo. Thats huge!!

    Time to get political girl, you can do your community and the earth a huge service.

  3. I recycle as much as I can.

    At home, the center is about 10 miles away, so i save everything up in a closet and then whenever it gets out of hand I fill up my car and haul it down. My apartment complex doesn't pay for any recycling, so I haul all paper/cardboard, #1, #2 plastics, glass, cans/metal, and styrofoam myself. They also take old batteries. Yes it is a pain, but it makes me feel better and like I am doing my part to save resources. I also feel that the more people that use the center, the fuller it gets and that shows the county that people WANT to recycle. So i'm hoping that eventually they will respond by putting up more centers.

  4. yes  call a city official and ask when/what / and why/and especially where the recycleables can be picked up. good luck.

  5. Well yes i do recycle but i dont really have to hassle and take it anywhere i just have my grabage company have it recycled they provide it for me and my community for our earth`

  6. Even the small town (about pop. 2300) I  am from in Indiana had a recycle center but if you don't you could put up a flyer at the grocery store saying you have plastic recyclables for anyone who would like to come pick them up.  Some people recycle for money and someone would likely take it off your hands.

  7. Our town prohibits throwing away anything that could be recycled. They provided a blue bin for those items and do a weekly pickup. They will not take your regular garbage if they spot any recyclables in it that belong in the blue bin. It is just like in that movie Brazil.

  8. Yes, I recycle.  I feel it is important to be a good steward to mother earth.  We have a city container that is picked up weekly.  Most cities do...are you sure your city does not have this service?


  9. Hello openminded,

    (ur avatar is cute)

    yes our city collects offers us two recycle bins, one for green trimmings and one for plastic, glass and paper recycling.

    Also our church does a regular once a month recycling collection. (they've been doing it for decades... long before it was a pc thing)

    I think that you are good to recycle.

    Try calling your city alderman or council and see if they have a collection program that's more convenient. And then let your neighbors know about it too. That way you'll be spreading the good news about recycling.



    pls pik mine 4 bst answr


    u r sweet if u do

  10. YES I DO .

  11. I recycle plastic, cans, and glass at our town's drop off center. I bought recycling bins and toss everything into them until I get enough to drop off (usually once a week)

    I also recycle paper... a local man collects it for the town and drops it off, (where I dont know) Also our local boy scout troops has a once a month newspaper recycling drop off.

    You can check with your local grocery stores about recycling plastic grocery bags. A lot of stores will have  a box near the entrance to collect them.

  12. well i recommend stock piling it, to minimize the amount of trips you take until some one steps up and changes it.

  13. our company doesn't let us recycle paper

  14. I wonder how much fossile fuel is burned by all of these extra garbage trucks on the road that go from house to house to pick up a couple of newspapers to recycle? I'm sure they cause much more detriment to the environment than the meager amounts of raw material that is reclaimed offset.

    But, recycling keeps the lawyers and politicians rich and keeps giving the foolish something to worry about (mythical global warming) so they don't question their motives.

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