
Do you recycle?

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do you recycle, why or why not?




  1. Yes why not ?

  2. yesss,

    its good for the eath


  3. i've always recycled. i used to do it for the environment, but after seeing penn & teller's episode on recycling, my mind was changed. i didn't realize how harmful the whole process can ultimately turn out.

    now i recycle both because i want my 10 cents back and because a little part of me feels like it's a sort of good concept.

  4. No.  It is a waste of time.  If someone else wants to dig thru the bags and split it up they are welcome to do so.

  5. Yeah, just doing my bit!

    Towards what I don't really know, but it's not really any inconvienience, so I don't see why I shouldn't.

  6. yes . i do .

    because it helps the ozone layer and also gets re-used

    and dosent fill up the land fill.

  7. yes for the enviorment.=)

  8. Yes!  We recycle all paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, metal. We also recycle plastic bags at grocery stores, (although we hardly have any these days!) rechargeable batteries, and hazardous waste such as motor oil, oil paints, and compact fluorescent bulbs! (yes, those new energy saving kind- they MUST be recycled. Contact your town's recycling center to find out how)

    Recycling saves energy! Recycled aluminum uses 95% less energy and cuts air pollution by 95%, compared to the same process using raw materials. Recycled plastic saves 88% of the energy required to produce plastic from raw materials.

    Recycling reduces global warming: Recycling all of one average home’s waste (newsprint, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metal) can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 850 pounds a year.

    Recycling paper and buying recycled paper leaves trees standing. Trees are necessary! They are the lungs of the earth; they inhale or absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.

    (Please buy recycled content office paper! 30% recycled or more...ask your office, school, to buy recycled. The quality has gone way up in recent years, and recycled paper acts the same as virgin paper. Also buy recycled content paper towels, tissues, napkins, toilet paper. This practice creates demand for the paper that you recycle.)

    Recycling saves space in landfills: One ton of recycled plastic saves 685 gallons of oil and 30 cubic yards of landfill space.

    So recycling is necessary and a great practice!

  9. Yes, It not only helps the environment, it also allows me to miss the 'bin men' occasionally without having to worry about overflowing rubbish bins!

  10. to be honest, I really try harder to recycle. I recently watched an episode on Oprah. I believe it was titled "Going Green" don't quote me.

    The episode really taught me valuable information. I.E. things I honestly didn't know.

  11. Yes I recycle. I reuse tin cans and milk/cordial containers to sow seeds, the plastic trays that meat comes in become water containers for my plants. When walking I collect whatever style of container i find dumped for use as pots. I made a compost bin from dumped pallets and put all my garden and kitchen scraps in it. I walk rather than drive when possible and we only have the 1 car between 3 adults. Never do I use plastic shopping bags. Old sheets/doona and pillow slips become bean bags/foot pads and dog bedding. Cans are kept seperate from the rest and turned in at aluminium recycle plants. Most of our clothing comes from Savers (recycled clothing), any paper and cardboard I have is used to line my pot plants. Rarely do i purchase mass produced food, making most things from scratch and from fresh home grown produce. By doing this I have no need to put my bins out more than every 3 weeks and there are 4 humans and 23 animals in my suburban home. I do this to save on carbon footprints/landfill and to keep my own costs down.

  12. Yes- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle... it just makes sense! I like the green grass and blue skies, and I hope we can keep it this way!

  13. Absolutely...everytime I flush or use the garbage disposal.

  14. i recycle.

    it's kind of the way i was raised.

    i don't look at something with the little recycle sign on it as garbage, i look at it as a recycable.

    it's kind of my upbringing really.

    throwing a plastic bottle in the garbage can stays on the concious for a few hours.

    then again, i really feel like i'm helping out.

    i'm starting to get a little extreme with my recycling now,

    but if people could just throw the stuff into the recycle bin instead of the garbage,

    i feel there'd be that much less waste produced.

  15. yes i recycle. mainly because i was brought up on recycling, raised on it. but also very much to help the environment.

  16. First I try not to purchase anything that I don't 'need' & with as little packaging as I 'can't' get...this is difficult but a lot more 'mainstream' stores now sell many items in bulk.  I walk/bicycle to work instead of drive (and my wife & I share one car).

    Second I reuse items I do buy as much as possible (like my lovely canvas bags that I use to shop & the backside of printed pages to print maps and the like or to write notes etc.).  Or the ultimate 're-use' I'm hoping to purchase an older home and make it as energy efficient as possible, & use environmentally friendly products to do whatever improvements will be necessary.

    Third I then recycle as much as possible (I'm not able to recycle everything that comes into my house, but I'm working on it).

    Fourth I donate money toward causes that help the environment.

    I do all this so that future generations (my future children) can live on a planet, in a country, in a city, in a home that is hopefully better and healthier than the ones I have lived/live in.

  17. Yes!  And as a result, my family of seven only has two bags of garbage a week.  The rest is recycled.  We also recycle our bath and laundry water to flush the toilets.  Reuse, reduce, recycle!
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