
Do you regret going to a baseball game when your team loses?

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I know I don't. What about you?

There is nothing better than going to a game and taking in the baseball atmosphere as opposed to sitting on the couch watching it on tv.

I've gone to a few games this year and in a couple of the games my team did not win, so some people tell me you're bad luck, you jinx them. I know it's not true, because I have absolutely no control over the game. I'm there to support my team whether they win or lose, through thick and thin.

So do you get mad at people who leave the game early just because your team is losing?

I do, and last night when I was at the game a man stood up and yelled "Stupid bandwagon jumpers" to all the people who were leaving the game early.




  1. Never.  This year I went to a game when our pitcher gave up 8 runs in the first inning, actually the first third of the first inning.  The game was pretty much over then, but it was one of my favorite games I've ever been to.  We almost came back and both teams were hitting balls everywhere.  I had amazing seats that night and got to move up once most people left in the fifth inning.  I got pissed off when they left, but it paid off for me!! So, I don't care if they win or lose.  I've definitely have learned that being a Rockies fan... But just going to the game is the best part.  Atmosphere is everything.

  2. No I dont cuz I dont go to dem der bawlgames cuz I dont get paid a whole bunch and cant near ford the beer prices

  3. not at all, here in san diego we gotten really comfortable with the fact that the team sucks, BUT we have one of the best ball parks and thers so much to do at petco park that sometimes the game is just a plus....

  4. Of course not.  It's the entire experience of going to a game that is so very special.  A day out a the ball park.....there is nothing better.

  5. No.  

  6. Never.  

  7. No I don't. I enjoy going to Baseball games and saying the different teams. Alot of times I don't see my favorite team and I just like watching how good the players are. I love baseball and that's why I go to games so I can enjoy the food, atmosphere and talent of the players.

  8. Yes, it happens far to often. Of the 22 games I have been to in the last two years, I have seen TWO winning games. Even more frustrating, this happens at ANGELS GAMES. They are having one of their better seasons and I can't even see a winning freaking game. The only reason I keep going is because my friend has really good season tickets and I go with him a bunch

  9. I totally don't. The whole experience is worth the money and then some. As for the early leavers, I could not care less about them. They can do whatever floats their boat. The game is essentially the same because the hecklers will stay there for the whole game no matter what. I love those hecklers. Just meeting all the fans is great. Winning the game is a bonus.

  10. NO vuz i get to go to a game but i never have gone to a game wen my team LOST!!

  11. No, I don't. You're there to enjoy the atmosphere of the stadium and to enjoy the day/night. No team is guaranteed a win, so you can't expect that your team is a sure shot for victory.

    I mean, I want the Yankees to win every time I go watch them in person and I'm sure I'll want them to win when I go see them on Sept. 17. But in the meantime, I just want to get a lot of great Yankee Stadium pictures with this being the last year of The Cathedral of Baseball and the enjoy the time out with my boys.  

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