
Do you rekon Rugbys better then Rugby league??

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ive made auckland sides for both rugby and league i dont know which one to stay because im in love with both of them.




  1. It depends what you want to do with it.  Rugby is a much bigger sport in NZ of course, so becoming a professional Rugby player is a lot easier, and the money prospects pretty good.  If you want to play professional rugby league, you may end up going to Aus to play - although the future of rugby league in NZ is expected to improve....  In terms of the actual playing... its really personal preference.  League is more 'exciting' but if the IRB put into place the new rules - rugby could become less complicated, etc.  But remember that it is not to difficult to switch codes later on.  If I personally had to choose, I would pick Union and see how it goes... and maybe change later on if I wanted to.

  2. i played both  union and rugby league at school but wen i finished school 4 years ago i continued with league i perfer league to rugby becuse rugby can get slow boring and monotonous at times league is faster you tackle harder you  play harder and the game flows faster and drop goals are only worth 1 point so you dont get any johhny wilkinsons in league thank the gods

  3. what ever you are better at.

  4. Rugtby you have 5 professional sides in NZ and have the best coaching and developement sides in the world and you can do a fine apprenticship at home before heading overseas for even bigger bucks.

    rUGBY lEAGUE only has one pro-outfit at home and thats The Warriors who to me are the best thing that has happened to NZ league,unfortunately alot of our top players are overseas in France,England and Aussie because thats where the money is and in the long run these places can sustain a very good income if you are a good player.N.R.L is the toughess and best comp in the world and its even better to do your apprenticship there.The money is good and the league is the best.

    Both are great codes but choose your passion and play for the love first cause if you dnt you will find it will be a partime job than a full one..With the most enjoyment comes all your benifits,Good luck Bro.

  5. Yes, I reckon.

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