
Do you rely on your pharmacy to keep your medication safe? Until now I trusted my pharmacy!!

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What would you do if this happened to you? Or is there really nothing to worry about? I went to my local Walgreen's today to get my Doxipen 10 mg. refilled. I take 2 at night for fibromyalgia. When I got my medicine the pharmacist said that the last time they filled this medication they gave me 100 mg caps. my mistake (in other words I have been taking 200 mg instead of 20 mg. per night). She told me since they made the mistake that they would not charge me for this prescription. I was just in shock and did not know what to say and went to my local doctor where he ran some liver and kidney test on me. (the doctor that prescribed this drug is from out of town). I called him when I got home and they are to call me later. I can not believe they let me take 10 times the amount I was suppose to for a whole month!! What would you do if this happened to you?

I am having a horrible time with swelling of my feet and legs for about the last 3 weeks. I have taken Lasix and it has not helped. I am at the point now that I can wear nothing but flip-flops. I have also been sick with bronchitis for 3 weeks. Running fever, etc.




  1. Sue them for neglegence.  Get a good lawyer.  Someone needs to catch them before they cause a death.

  2. Get yourself to another doctor. They did this to me and 1 hour after I took the medication I had a massive heart attack. You need to be checked with the swelling is telling you something is wrong.  Not trying to scare you. just being honest. And I have not seen a well day since that happened to me. I did not sue as I am grateful to God that I did not die. As I coded blue.and they were able to bring me back. And I did not and still do not have the strength to fight  a law suit.  God bless, but please get help.  

  3. Holy c**p! You couldv'e died from an overdose. I would consider lawsuit against them as soon as possible. Thank god nothing happened to you. :(

  4. Get another doctor and tell him/her the situation.

  5. This really upsets me. I am a CPhT..Certified Pharmacy Tech, and techs are filling these meds, who are suppose to be 'reading' the prescription label, double checking their own work, and Pharmacist should be 'double' checking by looking at the medication, the bottle it came out of, and the label. Someone was very careless at that WalGreens.

    That very well could have been a heart medicine and it could have killed someone. Doxepin, almost looks and sounds like "digoxin" which is a heart medicine.

    I hope everything is ok. A month is a long time to take the wrong dosage. I would transfer your meds to the nearest CVS Pharmacy, or go to a different WalGreens to get your medicine. I would also call the Board of Pharmacy and let them know that they gave you 10 times the prescribed dosage on your medicine. Have the date, and time when they filled it, and who you talked to that admitted they gave you a 100 mg caps instead of the 10mg. They will be repamended for this in which they need to be. Your doctor may do this for you. Talk to him/her about reporting them. I'm not saying this to get them into trouble, but to make them take necessary steps to make sure they give the right medicines, and dosages to their patients.

    Hope this helps. The edema I'm not sure where that's coming from, but talk to your doctor. They may have to up your Lasix. Keep your feet elevated above your heart so that it will help. Also, this sounds crazy, but drink "LOTS" of water and tea or any other liquids. The more you drink, the more you will push out and get rid of your edema. I know that sounds crazy, but I had severe edema too, and this is what my doctor told me to do, and it worked.

    Take care.

    Here is a link to Doxepin from WebMD:

    Here you will find useage, side effects, etc...

  6. Go to and look up the side effects of Doxipen-or doxipen overdose. You could even call  poison control in your area, and they could tell you the consequences of doxipen overdose. If you are suffering from the overdose induced by walgreens, i would call an attorney.

  7. Make sure you keep the bottle with the mistake recorded on it for evidence.

    I'd consider a lawsuit. They need to be held accountable in order to help avoid this happening again.

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