
Do you remember Cindy Jordan?

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Some of you were online at that time, and knew her, and know the story behind taking her life. I will never forget her and her story. Today is the anniversary of her death. Cindy Jordan was lied to by the AP's of her daughter. She was devastated by the book that the AP's published after adopting her child called "Fast Track Adoption" It tells you how to manipulate a child from a mother as quickly as possible and imo should be off of the market!

If you care or remember her, please visit her site today and leave a comment in her honor.




  1. no sorry

  2. Yes, I remember her story; very sad. Thanks for putting the link up.

  3. Oh how awful.  I honestly didn't know about this story.  How sad, and the poor baby.  When she learns of what her adoptive parents did to her mother i can't even imagine.  it makes me sick.

    i did find an online source where you can ready the basic introduction of the book and the outline of the chapters and index.  It's bothersome enough, i can't imagine what else is contained in this book.

    I do remember seeing this book though, when we were first looking into the adoption process.  And i remember quickly putting the book down thinking i want no part of this.  I have no clue as to why you can still purchase this book.  it's disgusting she is still making money off of the book.  

    here's the link

  4. Yes very tragic. What’s even sadder Cindy  could have tried to help other people from having this happen to them instead of killing herself. Which imo is weak thing to do for anyone regardless of the situation.

  5. Thank you for the reminder. Shame on Susan Burns!

  6. I have heard the story, but I did not know her. And now I will never get the chance -- so very sad. And really infuriating that these the adoptive parents continue to PROFIT off of her death!!! Because that book WAS a big cause of her death, along with the way they treated her.

    And how awful for the child. Adoption loss is hard enough, but to find out that not only can you never be reunited with your first mother, but also that your adoptive mom's actions led to her death -- oh, I can't imagine that -- how horrible.

    Stinky Pete, Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. It is hard to hear, but very important. I wish so much healing and reunion for all of you.

  7. Thanks Gershom.

    Horrible, awful and saddest story ever.  Life changing.  All aps should read this.  Need tissues.

  8. Someday Cindy's daughter is going to grow up and hear this story too.  What a tragedy.

    Thanks for sharing the link so I could post condolences.

  9. I had never heard of her, but i have just read some of her memorial page and its made me cry, what a terrible situation she was put in, made all the more unbearable by the selfish and highly insensitive actions of the adoptive parent.

    This book should not be on the market, and the publishers are vultures too.

    What a real tragedy. xx

  10. I did remember her on my blog.  Sadly women like Susan Burns give adoptive parents who get it a very very bad name.

  11. No I dont know about Cindy Jordan

    Oh how horrible,

    One thing that I would like to point out is in the paragraph talking about the semi open adoption it has the words "they matched over the internet"

    I HOPE this serves to ALL here NOT to do anything regarding adoption *over the internet*

    And do you see another Birthmother has taken her life now also

    How absolutely tragic and I really hope that it also serves to show that adoption is NOT so easy and cut and dried as some people think and that it leaves VERY VERY DEEP Grief stricken scars


  12. This is the first time I've heard of the story.  What a tragedy, both in the actions of the adoptive family and in the suicide.  

    I'm trying to learn a little more about this because I'm unfamiliar with Cindy Jordan's story.  I was able to find a preview of the book "Fast Track Adoptions" and read the first few pages of it.  There were certainly some big red flags there and the tone seemed very dismissive and disrespectful of the firstmothers.  (see Red, I'm trying!)  

    I wanted to read chapters pertaining to how the author advises PAPs to "handle the problems" that occur if the "birthmother is not committed", but I can't find them online.  

    Are there any sites?  


    ETA: Thanks, Gersh.  Maybe it's time to dust off my library card.  Then I wouldn't be giving any money towards it.

  13. I am burning a candle for Cindy and her daughter as we speak. I don't think most people know how many first moms try to kill themselves. Out of all the fmoms I have met only one or two haven't tried. It is horrid yo go into a support group and know without a doubt that not all of the people in the room will make it. I have lost count of the nights I have sat up all night with another fmom just to keep her alive until the morning shift arrives.

    And before it is asked ... yes I tried it too. I am only here because my partner had a bad feeling and came home much earlier than expected.

  14. Thanks for the link.

    It's heart wrenching story.

    Considering the ap is a psychologist I can't imagine the head games they may have used on her.

    The negitive reviews of the book on Amazon are right on.

  15. wow I have never heard of that or even Cindy. That is so horrible. I am sure she is missed.

  16. Thanks for posting this, Gershom.  I didn't know today was the anniversary of her death.

    The book "Fast Track Adoption" is absolutely reprehensible, as is it's writer, Susan Burns.  It encapsulates the epitome of selfishness in adoption.

  17. I wonder what her poor kid will feel some day when she finds out her "parents" did that.  That is just awful!

    People like that will burn in h**l!

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