
Do you remember how to make butter in a jar?

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When I was in 4th grade I remember making butter by shaking a glass Mason jar with cream in it. I have to babysit my nieces next week and I thought this would be a great activity for us to do. Do any of you remember how to do this? I can't seem to remember how much cream to use or how long the jar needs to be shaken.




  1. Yes, you're talking about;


    1 pt heavy cream

    1 pinch salt

    1 large ziplock bag/ jar

    SHAKE all for 15 minutes. Drain liquid from container.

    Store in frig until ready to use.


  2. Leave Double Cream to warm to room temperature

    Pour into a clean jar until one third full. Tightly s***w on lid and shake jar up and down until butter starts to form

    keep shaking - up to 30 minutes they recommend (that's going to hurt!) until there is a lump of butter in the liquid (buttermilk)

    Drain buttermilk into a cup and fill jar with cold water. Swirl butter around and carefully pour water away. Repeat until water is clear

    Put butter on a board and press down on to it to force out and remaining buttermilk. Any left inside will make the butter go sour.

    Wrap and refrigerate.

    Use baby food jars for smaller quantities.  

  3. Is this one kind of milk that they sell is the kind the comes in a pink or purple mini milk container

  4. I think you put some heavy cream or milk, don't remember though in a jar. The size of the jar depends on how much butter you want to make. You have to shake when it's all thick and isn't so liquidy. Hope I helped

  5. Here is something:

  6. That sounds like a great idea.  I never made butter in a mason jar.  I've made it a few times in my bread machine that has a cycle for it.  Check out the source for step by step instructions.

  7. Go to the diary aisle.

    Buy the kind that says "whipping cream" or "heavy whipping cream".

    Put it in a mason jar and shake it up until it has giant lumps (the lumps are the butter so strain out the liquid).


    if you have a hand held mixer, put the whipping cream into a large glass bowl and mix it until it has giant lumps. It will be like whip cream at first but if you keep mixing it will eventually turn into butter. And strain out and throw away the liquid.


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