
Do you remember how you first learned to read?

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Fat letters, skinny letters, letters all around.

Just the right letters to help me spell Clown.

Fat letters, skinny letters, and look numbers too.

I see the letters s-h-o-e and I can spell shoe.

Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 now let me just see....

I wonder if I can figure out how old I'll be.

Fat letters, skinny letters and numbers we'll add.

Now I am learning to read and I am so glad.




  1. I like this poem, its cute!

  2. This is a cute poem! I think that children would love it. It is simple yet informative. Good job!

  3. nice poem

  4. I learned first by the pictures in the books,then from books where the stories were about me,Walt Disney,Dr.Sesus.The Poem is cute; was it your granny's?Blessings Yahoo

  5. I remember magnets in the shape of letters and numbers - great for "spelling" experimentation on the refrigerator door ♥

  6. Wonderful...I was three and a half and remember picking out words.  Your poem is proof that you have to read to children from the day they are born, even before.

  7. I am so glad you learned to read, because now you can write such excellent poetry--with rhyme and meter and everything.

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