
Do you remember learning to tie your shoes?

by  |  earlier

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Was it hard for you?

Or perhaps easy?

How old do you think you were?




  1. i remember. I was three and I had red converses with abc shoelaces. my mom taught me to do it in one day (not the traditional way exactly, but hey...i could end up with the same looking knot....).

  2. i remember it.. but im not sure how old i was..maybe 5 or 6? i always tied them in knots instead of bows though.

  3. Torture!

    4-5 Y.O.

  4. I remember learning. Not sure hold old though, maybe in Pre-K or Kindergarten. I don't remember it being hard. I do remember a few of the boys in first grade didn't know how, so the girls would tie the boys' shoes for them. :)

  5. i barely remember, one day i just sorta did it.

    I was probably 4.

  6. lol yea, i remember my mom telling me "knot the 2 bunny ears together and then pull" or something like that, and i used to get so frustrated and say "mommy, there are no bunny ears, these are laces"

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