
Do you remember playing your first role playing game?

by  |  earlier

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I wanna hear how your first game went. Remember Mistamere Castle and what was under the doors?




  1. yeah it was called Mass Effect from last year

  2. Final fantasy X-2..

    I sadly didn't play ffx first and got a bit confused..

    I have finished the game 4-5 times already -.-

  3. I think dragon warrior was my fist one on Nintendo. It was good, I loved all of them. Dragon warrior 4 was the best. I find in the newer games when they try to gets boring....that is just me though. I like silence when i play games and hearing voices talking will drive you crazy, they act bad or stupid. They should have just left it like a book or something...for some reason it just bores me...or I am getting to or the other.

  4. Yup! it was Halo. I was at a friends house, and they were playing Halo, and I wanted to play now I love it! I play Halo 3 now. =]

  5. The first RPG I ever played was called was a text only game for the Apple IIc.  I must have been about 10 years old (many moons ago).

    From there we went to Zork..then Might and Magic 1 and 2....then Dungeons and Dragons.

    I am now older than dirt and I still try to get an hour of Oblivion or Dungeons and Dragons online into my day.

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