
Do you remember the first p**n you ever saw?

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I think you do. I do!

For me it was when I was about 10. I was walking to the store with a friend when I kicked a folded over magazine that flopped open to expose a naked Chinese woman sitting on a bike. Me and my friend fought over the mag until we simply split it in two. He got the back half full of editorials and ads. So we rushed over to our little fort thingy that I think all kids have and flipped threw it's contents. It was a Chinese p**n called "The Savage Unicorn" (no really, the savage unicorn). We looked through the mag for hours lending our jeers to each other on our lack of knowledge on s*x and trying to comprehend the cartoon of the two talking penises that was written in Chinese. Ever since that moment I was less confused about s*x and learned more from it then any school or parent. Ah, it was a magical experience...

How about you all?




  1. It's been a while since I saw it, so the only part of the film I remember is a naked man bouncing around the room with his "equipment" swinging around in a circle.

  2. Brings up memories *sob*  :' )

  3. In the USSR, where I lived, p**n has been banned.

    But sometimes you can buy on the black market p**n-French postcards.

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