
Do you remember the time and place when you ask Jesus Christ into your life?

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Do you remember the time and place when you ask Jesus Christ into your life?




  1. small dark room, all alone........yep I sure do.

  2. Yesterday I asked him into my life, but as he was approaching my front door, Mithra came running out of the bushes and kicked him in the Shenanigans

  3. Yep and it was a great moment. I was at my house. I do not remember the exact date though. They say excepting Jesus into your heart is the greatest thing in life.

  4. Yeah, 6th grade. If I remember correctly, a few minutes later I was filled with an interesting form of despair...

  5. Yes, it was about 55 minutes ago. Isn't it free if it's delivered late?

  6. Yes, I do remember when I accepted Christ into my life.  It was sixth grade and I was going to bible study during school hours.  

    I should have been learning something important in school instead.  

  7. We have no Biblical authority for "asking Jesus into our heart".  But we do have Biblical authority for following Christ's commands in being baptized for the removal of our sins.  There is no other way.  Ask Paul.  He had been praying for three days, but that was not enough and not the command.  Then he was told to "arise and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord", just as Peter commanded in Acts 2:38 "repent and be baptized for the removal of your sins.  

  8. pretty much like it's fresh... yes.

  9. If anyone here is a Christian and takes this question seriously, please pray for AZ Knight Wolf.  Either he is very clever in answering this question, or he has had a great trauma and is in great spiritual pain.  He will be in my prayers.

    Oh, to answer the question, my mother tells me I was 4 years old when I walked the isle.  I've known the Lord for as long as I can remember.  I know people say you should have a "birthday" to remember and recall.  I reunite/reconcile/recommit on a daily basis.

  10. Yeah, it was a little over two months ago. Me and my chior had traveled a couple hundred miles down to Texas and we were singing under a church to homeless people. During the concert this dude (coolest dude I've ever met) on the front would clap and go crazy after every song. Then after the concert another homeless guy got on the bus and told us "when I looked us I saw a wall of hope."

    We came back the next day and it was extremly hot and humid. By the time we were done about 1/3 of the chior hade left the stage at least once and 7 kids had to go to the hospital.

    We went to Georgia next and sang to a church that had a program for retarded adults. After the concert this retarded dude came up on the stage in front of everyone and sang Amazing Grace. It was AWESOME.

    Thats pretty much when I found Jesus.


  11. yea but he ran away with my wife

  12. Yes I do!  Nov. 26 , 1999 ~ At church,borned again and forever changed, Praise God!!

  13. Yes, he told me I wasn't his type.

    I'm pretty much sick of all the rejection lately.


  14. Yep.  It was Christmas Eve 1996.  This was after I Had a crisis of faith that I decided that I needed Jesus in my life again. I gave my over to him.  Fortunately, it didn't work out, and on September 30, 2001 I admitted the error of my ways, and closed the down on my faith.  OVer the years, I have sealed the door, nailed it shut, and cemented it in. And I have never felt better, free of the lies and tyranny of any church.

  15. i was in children's church.  

  16. Yeah, he told me to **** off.


  17. Yes April 14, 1976-At an old fashion altar, I Went Down and Beggar, and Came Up A Millionaire.  

  18. Yes, Feb 1993, @ Edinburg Worship Center.

  19. I remember both.

    And I'm glad he changed my mind both times.

  20. No, because I never did.The evidence for an 'historical jesus' is scant, at best. The evidence for a 'divine jesus' is totally nonexistent. Inviting someone who  if he lived at all, is dead and has been dead for about 1,980 years is delusional.

  21. Yup.  I was a child.  Only children and drug addicts are gullible and desperate enough to fall for this age old scam.    Christians prey on children to brainwash them and tell them to never question their "faith".  Most grow up and don't question the religion but those that do find it rotten to the very core.  Christianity is for slaves.   So worship your king just as the peasants always worshiped their Lord / Pharaoh but I won't kiss a kings ring.

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