
Do you remember to cut ALL the plastic soft drink rings, even the tiny ones, before you trash them?

by  |  earlier

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Most of us have seen birds and other animals with plastic soft drink rings around their necks. Sometimes fish and other animals swallow them as well. This can cause much harm, even death. In these days of increasing concern over the costs to animals and the environment of our many luxuries, please try to remember to the many little things we can all do that make a difference. Just cutting all the plastic rings on the carrier before we throw it away may prevent an animal from becoming caught. If we all take small actions like this, it will build into a huge effect! TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! Thank you!




  1. we have a recyling center in our backyard shed complete with scissors just for that reason. everyone who empties a 6 pack in our house knows what to do.

  2. well i dont buy any 6 pack of drinks but i do work at a grocery store where i at times stock up 6 pack of drinks and i do to the best of my ability to cut the rings up if something happens but im one man.  u are right though, we need to do sumthin as simple as cutting the rings up when the plastic itself is harmful to environment.  better yet i think we should encourage manufacturers to change the way they package those 6 packs such as wrapping the  packs together instead of binding them in those rings.

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