
Do you remember when Bread boxes were popular?

by  |  earlier

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They sat on the counter and had a shelf and the bread and bakery items were stored inside? Do you still have one??




  1. I remember them but I don't have one.

    I have a silver roll top bread bin to match everything else in my kitchen that is fake silver.

  2. I do remember. I remember our cabinet space being much bigger than the modern day cabinets.

    My Daughter found a Bread Box at a garage sale a couple of summers ago. She really likes using it..

  3. Yes,I do.And I still use a bread box.

  4. My parents had a bread box back in the day. They are still popular in the UK. My family only stopped using them when we moved to the Middle East. It was too hot in the house to leave bread in a bread box so we had to freeze all our bread. It was such a hassle to make a sandwich because I had to leave the bread out for an hour and wait for it to defrost before I could make one!

  5. I do remember them very well. Mom had an old metal one and more than likely still has it, but heaven only knows where it is at in her house, lol.

    I have a wooden one that has the rolled back top on it. It has a really pretty red rose on the roll top. But since I live in my little travel trailer right now, it is in storage. I hope some day to be able to use it again.

  6. I remember it well ! I still have it stored somewhere in this house !

  7. What do you mean "when bread boxes were popular"?  I bought one only two weeks ago, a blue one that just fits on my kitchen counter.  Funny thing is I never put bread in it, I always place the bread on top, or in front so that I can see what I have out of the freezer.  Yes they are still selling them, in places like IKEA and Walmart.

  8. I did away with mine a long time ago. They would eventually rust, The really did not help keep the bread fresh and they just got in the way on the counter top.

  9. I still have mine.

  10. Yes, I have a bread box. So does everyone I know. And I live in a capital city, so it's not like we're all 'country hicks' or something. They are common.

  11. Yes, I do remember them on the counter.  My mom even had one drawer  built into her cabinets that was the bread box and had a sliding lid that would open or close at will.

  12. i remember them too . i had one for awhile . now it would just take up counter space and i really don't use enough bread to warrant one now , lol .

    fun one .  d.

  13. Mom had a white metal one with red apples on it and it had two shelves. What became of it I don't know. My sister bought a wooden one but stopped using it because she said the bread taste like wood. I have never had one, bread doesn't stay long here, not while tomato's are in the kitchen. Hubby loves tomato sandwiches.  Poppy

  14. I always wanted one, don't recall ever having one.

    We had our kitchen remodeled last year.  One of the drawers has an interior cover that can be closed.  A bread drawer.  A nice, roomy one. I love it!  Keep bread and crackers in it.

  15. Yes, I remember our bread box. It was as big as a bread box. ;)

    No, do not have one anymore. I had a new version that what you are talking about. It was oak and had a roll top for opening. My mom had an avocado green one. The front of it was plastic, brownish in color and in design of fruit. I must have been the 60's Before that she had a pale yellow metal one. We don't even buy bread anymore so I suppose I don't really need one! :)

  16. Yes, any bakery products put in it tended to get forgotten and go moldy. We ended up hiding counter clutter in it and finally got rid of it. One of those good ideas that just didn't work out well.

  17. My mom always had one on the counter.  I don't know what happened to hers.  She also had a can with a strainer labeled "Grease" that sat by the stove my entire childhood.  

    I recently bought a new bread box.  I seldom use it for bread.  It hides all the dog chews, toys, medicines, etc. so they're not sitting out in plain sight on a counter or in a basket.  

  18. I remember bread boxes well. I now have a bread drawer instead.

  19. Yes I remember and I do still have one. I wouldn't know what to do with all the bread, pastries and stuff if I didn't have it.

  20. Yes, and I remember being hit in the old bread box as a kid.

  21. The concept of a breadbox baffles me, from a space management standpoint.  I own a house that was built in the early 50s, when breadboxes were still in vogue.  The counters are SO small that there is barely any room to cut, stir, and place a dishrack, much less room for appliances (microwave, coffeemaker, etc.).  A breadbox would pretty much put 1/3 of my counterspace out of commission.  I don't know how the lady of the house managed, "back in the day."

    Bread goes in the fridge now.

  22. Yeah...I still have one.  It makes a great tool box!

    I keep the bread in the fridge where it won't get moldy!

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