
Do you remember - when last did you sing your National Anthem?

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Do you remember - when last did you sing your National Anthem?




  1. God save the Queen and God bless America.

  2. 2nd grade.

    oh, wait that was pledge of allegiance.

    national anthem? oh say can you see???

    um, heard it at the phillies game 5 years ago

  3. I sang it on 20 Oct 2007 for the Rugby World cup when Springboks kicked England's a.r.s.e!!!

    I'll never forget that day as long as I live.

  4. couple of days ago at the rugby

  5. About 2 or 3 weeks ago at a CANSA gathering!

  6. On Saturday before the game :-)

  7. this morning in the shower

  8. At a braai watching the rugby world cup final last year.

  9. I think it was when I was in std 5. Boy was that yonks ago. Must be a good 20 years ago.

    And you??

  10. When SA played England...I rmemeber my bro and I belted it out at the pub here. Lol there were only a few South Africans 7 or something!

  11. Hey cheri, I sing it pretty often.  The people here are fascinated with everything Africa, and when I start singing Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika, I always attract attention amongst my colleagues.  But since I have changed jobs, and now work in public view, I restrict my singing "talents" to walking time with the dogs.

  12. At my graduation in April!

  13. Probably when I was in elementary school.

  14. I still occasionally sing the old national anthem verses that are in the new anthem whenever at a live rugby match etc, I know the lyrics for the entire new anthem, but I definitely won't sing them as it they do not represent my culture or beliefs and in reality, they sound like primate drivel more suited for tree branch communications than being sung by a civilised human being.

  15. Saturday before the rugby.

    Come on Bullie, I know you sing the new anthem at times

  16. Lol Cheri you won't believe but we sing it here in the UK every time there's a Rgby match on,and also I have it on DVD and CD,so when I'm homesick I play it.xxxx

    And ja I've also got my SA flag as well.xxxx

  17. The new one, never. It came into effect after I left SA. The old one, just before the ANC came into power.

  18. Sang it? Are you kidding? Obviously, you have never heard me sing!!

  19. At the rugby....!

  20. When I was doing National Service. Which was the last time there was only one legitimate National Anthem. What's that ''new'' thing?~~

    ''Of Kosi I'm a sick of the New South Africa...''

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