
Do you remember your first car accident?

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this was actually my second accident, but my first serious one. im still really shook up so i was wondering if you could share with me your stories of your first or most serious car accidents to make me feel better




  1. 17 years old & 30 years ago. I was driving a 1968 pre-wrangler jeep with a hard top. Hard top over just the front two seats. Me driving, one sitting between the seats, one on his lap, one on the passenger seat, one on his lap. I was driving way to fast on a dirt track between fields and woods. Tried to make a corner & was far to top heavy and we rolled, and rolled, and rolled, and rolled. People on the laps got the worst of it by far.

  2. I sure do and it was my fault. I had just dropped off a friend at home after a long shift at UPS and was 1/2 way home when I relaized that he left his wallet in my car (really my dad's car). I pulled over and started to make a U-turn without looking and got creamed on the rear fender on the driver's side.

    My 2 worst accidents were, I was responding to a Police Officer shot in Staten Island,NY and was going to secure a "landing zone" for the Mayor who was arriving via helicopter. As I prepared to make a left turn and was braking, the master brake cylinder failed! It caused me to turn 180 degrees into a parked van. I was wearing my seatbelt and was back at work within 2 days.

    My absolute worst accident was on my way back from a foreign dignitary escort. It was freezing outside, 15 degrees or lower, and we were on motorcycles. We were in the left lane of the Van Wyck Expressway in Queens,NY doing about 45-50 mph. I hit 2 patches of "black ice" and wiped out. I was dragged for about 100-200 feet and rolled 6 times before ending up face down. I was out of work for 2 1/2 months.

  3. yes, i was run off the road and it pissed me off plus the idiot left the seen.

  4. Don't have one to share.

  5. see a counsellor if ur still fretting x

  6. I'm an old foagy, so my first one is long gone over the horizon...But how about this?...Write down what you remember in every detail you can think of - your car, how fast were you going? many people with you?...what time of day?...what direction were you going - north, south, etc?...the road - speed limit, how many lanes, shoulder/curb availability, type surface, condition of surface? conditions - temperature, cloudy, clear...What were you doing prior to impact, at moment of impact?...what do you think you should have done differently to prevent or avoid the mishap? will this incident affect your driving?

    I would like to know and I'm glad that you'll be OK.

    All the best

  7. Yes, I was making a left turn at a really bad intersection and a lady came flying around a curve and struck my car on the passenger side. My car went airborne and than bounced off the hood of a truck stopped at the stop sign. My car finally came to a rest across the street. Luckily I walked way without a scratch but my car was totaled. I had bad dreams several days after the accident and it took me several days before I felt comfortable driving again. I still to this day will try to avoid this intersection because I don't feel comfortable making  a left turn there and this accident happened 10 years ago.

  8. Haven't had one yet....

  9. My first was just a stupid accident and my dad was so mad at me I really started paying attention and did not have more than one person in my car for the next 6 months.

  10. worst accident I was involved in I was driving an 85 Z28 Camaro and  struck a Buick Regal that had  turned left in front of me at an intersection I was doing about 60 mph when I hit them broadside I barely had enough time to slam on the brakes but there vehicle on the sidewalk and I came to a stop like I had parked the car next to the curb broke my knee cap and put me in a cast for 3 months then a month of physical therapy

  11. My first accident I was sitting at a red light. I had been sitting there for about a minute when I was rear ended by a girl driving a Nissan Sentry. The police estimate her speed at 35 to 40 mph when I got out to look at the damage I was shocked that the worst damage done was my rear bumper was misaligned and didn't think it was that bad till I looked at her car her airbags had deployed and the whole front of her car was smashed I wish I had pictures. Anyways she actually told the cop she was putting on lip stick and she looked down to change the radio and next thing she knew she got hit with the air bag. At first I was mad but then she started to cry and I kinda felt bad for her. And to make matters worse my car was hit so hard I hit the car in front of me and he hit the car in front of him. O and by the way my car was a 93 Dodge Intrepid and I am kinda sad I got rid of it because that was the first of 17 accidents I was never at fault and it still runs to this day

  12. No, because in 9 years, and hundreds of thousands of miles of driving, i have never been involved in a car accident. neither caused one, nor been on the recieving end. i put it down mainly to the fact that i'm always alert, and always keep a buffer around my car. avoided plenty of near misses (including someone reversing towards me up a one way street, over a blind crest).

  13. My first accident was when I was 5 and in the back seat during a roll over. We ended upside down with all 4 doors jammed shut. My seat belt broke and the only way out was through the broken back windshield. The whole incident is still clear in my mind 35 years later. Over time, the fear factor has dwindled and I have no problem in cars at all (I actually became a mechanic)

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