
Do you remember your very first Yahoo Answers contact, and why you chose that person?

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Mine was by chance. She gave me the first decent answer to my first question, and has been the staple that keeps me here. Since then I have found several others that are willing to help, but she will always be my #1.

Who was your first?




  1. she added me to hers so i did the same but now she is SO annoying

  2. Elyslund.  She connected to me for some strange reason! lol  Must be the Scandinavian gene thing under the surface.

  3. sadly i don't remember it

  4. My first contact was a guy named TD Euwaite. I read one of his poems and was trapped for life in his tangled web. And oh man! is his web tangled!

  5. Yes, and she has been a wonderful teacher and inspiration to me!

    I've learned more about writing from her than I ever did in high school.  Of course, it may be that I hear better now.  

  6. two cents was his name. It took me a while to find poetry. We talked world politics and race cars. I have not heard from him since my original account got deleted back in November because my second contact, loose change, wanted to see the "Catholic High School Girls In Trouble" clip from John Landis' "Kentucky Fried Movie."

    So, this is all his fault. If not for him, I would have 3.4 million points,  123,000 fans and be at level 14.


  7. my contact cherry was popped by Pollee.

    I was answering a question about how many contacts I had: I responded -> I did not have any. Pollee added me. It was when I first started Y!Answers back in May 08.  

    We really don't anything in common but I remember her as my first. I still have her in my contacts for nostalgia. I even copied her world domination bunny.

  8. Yup...I remember mine.   M'botu Kita -J.  :)

    I also remember my first Y!A crush. INSTANT Chemistry. ;) We still have it goin on too.

  9. Mrs. BooBoo Stewart

    Shes the one that showed me Y!A

  10. Yes I do, He was so sincere in his answers to my broken heart questions, I could help but love him instantly!

    Ironic, I know!


  11. Little Mountain Mama was my first, and has stuck with me through thick and thin.

    I love this Q...we need to remember those who welcomed us and "taught us the ropes."


    She picked me, I think it was sympathy!

  12. Maltese Breeder... and I have never seen her be anything but nice... I like my and in spite of the minor bickering I see I like this place because it teaches me; a day rarely goes by I don't learn something and by writing I leave a legacy for my children to view long after I'm gone... even if they are the only ones to view it.

  13. When I started out on this site I was in the pet section mostly just answered questions and if someone wanted me a contact I would agree!

    Now is different, there are some mean spirited people out there so am more careful! Mostly the people here are great! To be perfectly honest I can't remember the first one!

    I know who my contacts are now  and weeded out some, not that they were bad, but kind of not on the same page or hardly see a post! As I am sure people have done the same with me as I sometimes post, but not often enough!


    What a beautiful compliment Bob M Georgia--

    Thank You!

  14. It was Yidiot. Or maybe it was Large Marge. Then again, it might have been Alec the Dalek.

    Who knows, that was 1,762 accounts ago.

  15. Mine was CS Scotkin....I love her words, and her advice.  She in turn introduced me to Elaine P...what can I say? Two amazing women, who consistently give me great advice...and not just about poetry!

  16. Gosh, I hope you are talking about me and I hope you know that I am extremely fond of you as well.  You always brighten my day.

    My first contact is Reynwater, whom you met earlier.  It's been more than a year and she has been my contact and a good friend ever since.  Great lady and fabulous gardener.  I keep trying to convince her to frequent poetry because she has a poets soul and the words to go with it.

  17. My first was Little Dustin, he was my 'cause he's my bro.

  18. TD Euwaite.

    I fell in love with his poem called "Loop a loop"

    Then he stood up for me and has since encouraged me to keep on writing. He gets me. He will always be my #1.

  19. If I remember correctly, Yamster... because I didn't feel comfortable adding just ANYBODY... I added Yamster mainly because he was Staff.

  20. Yes, It was Elaine P.  Can I pick them or what? You didn`t tell us who you picked.

  21. 2fine4u.  She's still cooool!

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