
Do you report all incidents of sexual harrassment?

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I am a female correctional officer. I understand that things will be said to me that are not always nice things to say. One day while working alone at a post another male CO tried to rub my shoulders and said somethings that were offensive to me. I got him off of me, said some choice words and he left me alone.

About two weeks later I recieve an email from a friend of mine from another prison who knows both of us. He sent me a link to the local news agency. It was about the guy being arrested and charged for raping two young girls.

I feel like I should have reported him. Yesterday I find out there are more of us he did this to at work, still no one is reporting it because he is locked up now. (In a different institution down state where they have officer row)

My question is should I of reported it and should I report it now?




  1. Yes,

    report all incidents & document them as well.

  2. After you warned him and he left you alone, case was closed. If he had persisted in his endevours then you would have had grounds to initiate an action.

    You all can file an ammended action to the court, that you were all at one time a victim of his actions and did not persue it because of Administrative regulations about sexual harrassment having to have occurred after you gave a person a warning about their actions?  

  3. I see why you would feel bad.  I don't know if you should report it or not.

    I haven't reported any incidents of sexual harrasment because of the level of harrasment.  I've had a similar incident to yours and because the guy wasn't forceful (he left me alone right away) I didn't think anything serious would happen.

    Besides, you're also kinda afraid people won't take you seriously you know.  "Is that all he did?"  "You're too sensitive."  

    I've told guys that if there was a 2nd time I would def report them.

    There's never been a 2nd time.

  4. All crime should be reported - it may reveal a trend, as in your case, that could have been nipped in the bud before anyone gets hurt. It also will keep the police busy with paperwork.

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