
Do you resort to "name calling"?

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When you are lost for words?

When you have need to stoop as low as possible?

To the one concerned..... The battle is lost when you lose your temper.

Oh, please check that I have spelt and gramitisized everyting correctly.

PS, change your name to Spell-Check...




  1. Do you mean do I like swearing? Well yes, and I must admit it makes me feel GOOD! I have won a lot of battles by losing my temper, a temper is good, just channel that energy into the right direction, and swear to add extra woema to your argument.....

  2. Some people get so irritated they mention it in every answer then post questions about it.

  3. Ja sure, it's fun! Mwhahahahaha! Especially when confronted with imbeciles who cannot spell the most basic of English words and then get all uppity.

    WTF is gramatisized?

    Check out the Facebook group "It's spelt LOSE, not LOOSE, you moron".

  4. When you are lost for words? - No I don't you silly Idiot!!!

    When you have need to stoop as low as possible? No - Gaan skyt in die mielies man.

  5. Life is harder to take when you dont know any swear words....

    Sorry, guilty as charged. I'm not really one for conflict, I tremble when pushed get mad, see red and come up with words the English professores havent discovered. Its a habit I know I need to let go, but its hard when you're stuck between a rock and a hard place.... sometimes you shouldnt squeeze the stem of a rose, the inevitable will occur. SO ja, I suppose I do tend to resort to name calling. I've worked to hard to get my self esteem where its at to be pushed around.

  6. I do it if I face the person, not on here, that is cowardly.

  7. Used to do a lot of that back at school. Not anymore. It would seem silly for adults to scream names at each other, but I'm sure there are still some suburbs this could be happening, like Hillbrow in Joburg, for one example. Oh, don't forget Long Street in Cape Town.

    ADD: I'm never at a loss for words when I bump my head, toe or something. Somehow the right words flow out of my mouth.

  8. Not anymore. Im a big person now. left law school a couple of years ago so now i just chuck dictionary's around ;)  Im sure your gramma is well.... :)

  9. I'm am one of those that opens my mouth before thinking sometimes....I've learnt patience now, and to think before I speak.

    Now and then I still sound like I have Tourettes....but usually that occurs at something, not someone.

    when I was younger, I was known for going off at people. Being able to speak English and Afrikaans only made it worse, as I'd go off in both languages without even realising it. lol

    There were times that my words would make me look so common and trailer trash!! Luckily it only happened in extreme cases that I'd lose it.

    Now that I'm older, I sum up the situation and the person and then decide how I'm going to handle it. Usually it involves just walking away because the person is not worth my time or effort.

  10. I know how to spell hennie it's T.U.R.D.

  11. It is all a bit jejune. It is the multifariousness of this forum and the vaudeville actions of its contributors that makes it interesting.

  12. Hi guys...It's been while, I'm sure most don't remember/know me. Hey Reb da Rebel...that baby is getting finer and cuter by the second girl.

    Anyway to answer ur Q on resorting to "name calling"...nothing fulfills me better than swearing, calling someone or thing a Jack ***...oh and especially hurling the F-word or B-word when I'm like a bull seeing red, frustrated, pissed off especially when someones in the wrong. It's a sense of relieve and release for me. I feel so much better after and no it's no habit I'm about to quit anytime soon...I don't do it often though. It's also acts as warning sign for those around so I do resort to name calling u best believe the heffer is mad - keep away!

  13. don't think about anything just.......................................

  14. No , I just start crying and say: " I'll tell my mummy about you"

  15. I used to do that alot at my first job. Think I was way too immature for what I was doing. Since learnt that I dont even care about what whoever says about whatever.  I normally just tend to laugh these things off.


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