
Do you respect others without them earning it?

by  |  earlier

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I am not talking about the social niceties, consideration or thoughtfulness,one should use while acquainting with other. I'm talking about truly respecting someone for their worthy character.




  1. I usually try and give people the respect they deserve when I meet them,

    I let them prove or dis-prove whether they are worthy of that respect as our relationship develops.  

  2. If they have a worthy character, then they win my respect every time. However, a well brought up person is civil to everyone, deserving or otherwise.

  3. Yes, I give people the benefit of the doubt that they are "as respectful of me as I am of them".  But I don't just give way to any a***e who comes to my face, just because.  They do have to respect me, too.

  4. yea, i do. but, when they f up and s***w me over, my respect is gone forever

  5. I respect everyone and everything until they "lose" my respect.  However, I will proclaim my respect to someone who does something I deem very respectable.  I guess I would just hold them in a brighter light than others?

  6. yes I certainly do,they deserve respect unless they are proven to be really bad

  7. Yes because its called treat others the way u want to be treated

  8. nope, not till they earn respect.

  9. yes because I believe when respect is given more often than not its reciprocated.Its very rare when its not been the case but the good outweighs the bad

  10. Nope. I don't give anything to anyone who doesn't earn it, work for it, or deserve it. They get what they deserve

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