
Do you respect people??????????

by  |  earlier

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I do because we all should respect each other and I'm only 14 and I don't like to fight unless its self defence but thats it I respect everyone almost everyday

enough about me do you respect people?????




  1. everyone deserves respect till they do something to cause you not to respect them in my opion but in this day in age no one wants to give and everyone jsut takes takes takes

  2. yes,that how i was brought up.

  3. It seems the only person I seem to not respect is myself.

    I think that I should respect everybody including myself. Respect is very important.

  4. I have a great respect for people!! It's so nice that you are 14, and you are asking this question!! We all need to express alot of love towards one another!!  We are all on the same journey!! Why not make it a happy adventure?? My best to you!!!

  5. Depends,

    I'm nice enough to respect people I don't know

    but some people are just rude and i'm mean to them

  6. only when they pick mine as the best answer.

  7. I have a basic respect for people, yes. People can and do lose mine.

    They cannot "earn" it because this is not a game. They have it, it's theirs to lose. When people say "they have to earn it", they are really saying they are mistrusting someone without prior knowledge, which is unfair.

  8. I respect those who earn respect.  They don't get respect just for breathing.  And those who are hypocrits, liars, irresponsible, and untrustworthy don't get my respect.  

    I give people I don't know the benefit of the doubt until I can be a better judge of character.

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