
Do you respect your elders?

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Two teenagers work in a shop that I go to. One of them is totally oblivious to anyone in the shop older than about 25. The other rushes to help the seniors. So I put the question to you, Do you respect your elders? I mean not just family, but older people in general.

Personally, I have great respect for them.




  1. I do.And I must as I work in a retirement home/rehab center.I have an inside look into the hardship that comes with age.

    I was brought up this way and I do find that most people who were taught this lesson dont stray.Usually people who dont respect their elders were brought up by people who not only dont respect their elders but anyone for that matter.

    Sure they are slow,at times pushy and set in their ways.But we have alot to learn from them and should respect those who are in a way less fortunate than us.Maybe they drive slow because they dont see as well and are trying to avoid an accident.Maybe they push their way to the front of the line because their hip replacement or arthritis makes it hard to wait.

    We should respect them because one day we will be old and hoepfully there will be someone there to help and honor us.


    Yes I do and you should.

    Id find it very hard to restrain myself from rattling off this speech to some punk kid who shows no respect.

  2. Absolutely. An elders blessing is a blessing from God.  

  3. I do respect my elders, unless they show a lack of respect for me. Don't get me wrong i will give up my seat, listen to an old person in the supermarket for ages talking about 'nothing' but knowing that they probably haven't spoken to anyone that day......

    But i must say that i had found some of the rudest people to be the old, they push and shove you with their shopping trolley in tow and never say sorry.......

    I think both ages have a lot to learn lol

  4. Yes I do. They have been through far more than me, and have a great understanding of life in general. They have given a lot and deserve a lot more.

  5. Yes just the other day my friend went to the A&P and i stayed in the car and an old man came up to his car with a cart full of shopping bags. He looked like he was having trouble so without even asking him if he wanted help I got out of the car and handed him his groceries as he put them in the car. He was very thankfull and even joked around and said its nice to be old when you have young ladies helping you. That made my day. It makes me happy. I have a lot of respect and love for them.  

  6. goes without saying, it's natural to.

  7. Yes, and I try to respect people in general, regardless of age.  The first teenager you described isn't showing anyone respect, just toadying to those who they think will benefit them.  

  8. I'd like to say yes, but I'd kind of be lying. I respect them most of the time, but just like when I'm talking to anyone else I speak my mind I tell them when they are wrong and well I may come off as rude actually I'm betting I come off as a B*tch  

  9. I'm almost 55 years old and I don't own a car. I'm in good health though and I'm certainly not an elder yet. But there are days when I've shopped and have several bags to take onto the bus with me. I've had several young men help me with my bags and I've also been completely overlooked by them as well. It seems that the young men over the age of 25 seem more helpful than teens. Overall, I'm happy when I can get a hand with my bags, especially up the hill to the apt. building where I live. There are several younger tenants in the building who are respectful, helpful and it's always nice to have a brief chat.  

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