
Do you run your tap water in the morning to eliminate the possibility of lead or other toxins?

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If so, do you conserve that water for other uses, such as cleaning or flushing the toilet?




  1. I think the toxins will remain, despite running it in the morning. Kinda sounds like how people would bleed the diseased, thinking that getting the "bad blood" out would cure them.

  2. i run my taps for few minutes to get rid of the frogs, and i do put that water in my garden

  3. I use the Brita filter for drinking water

  4. Yes I do run the tap water.  I have a plastic cup I fill and dump that water into the house plants.  I have a lot of house plants, and living in a desert, some plant or ruther is always thirsty!

    My house was built by my father-in-law in the 1970's.  The pipes are all copper, but of course you have the soddered joints.  

    What I mostly worry about are "other toxins" in the water.  I am in the heart of an agricultural area.  I'm quiet sure the water here is poluted with the nitrates from chemical fertilizers.  Indeed one of the businesses 7 miles down the road from me have warning signs up in their bathrooms, about not drinking the water, or filling baby bottles.  Everyone around here draws water from the same aquifer...the Snake River Aquifer.  

    It's worse in some areas though.  Just three miles down the road from me (where the elementary school sits) every single house on that stretch of road has had at least one family member die of cancer.  Some of the famlies have had 3 -4 people in the family die of cancers.  Several of the teachers at the elementray school (who choose to drink the tap water) have also died of cancer.  I'm in the very heart of potato country.  Lots of ugly chemicals used on crops.


  5. if you've got lead or other toxins in your water you should move house!

  6. If you feel you have lead or other toxin's in the waer , the best thing to do is boil it ,then chill for drinking.

  7. Get a water purifier for your kitchen sink and use only that source for cooking and drinking.  You really can't trust what is coming through the pipes.  You could have lead solder in the pipes in your own house or in the pipes that serve your development.  You really have no idea either of how well your treatment plant is taking care of things.

  8. No, my house plumbing does not contain lead.

  9. No, its city water and shouldn't have any lead or toxins.

  10. Yes, I live on well water and I think you should run it as most older, before the 70's, homes used lead based solder.

  11. I use a water filter.  I am pretty sure if there are toxins from and outside source, it will be in all your wate just just when you first turn it on.

    Don't assume because you are on city water that your water is safe, they recently discovered prescription drugs in area of water in my city!

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