
Do you salute an officer evertime you see one?

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even if you see that person everyday? in a warzone? do officers have to salute officers? does MSGT have to salute a 2lt?




  1. You always salute a higher-ranking military member. There are some exceptions. Example: A 2LT will not salute a 1LT.

    Also, Commanders may designate a no-salute area (primarily for the sake of common sense in training in the field).

    But if in doubt, better safe than sorry.

  2. If you are on a work detail and there is a supervising officer in the area, you do not have to salute him every time you see him.

    You do, however, have to salute him the first time you see him in the day , and if you are specifically asked to report to him.

    Officers must salute officers who outrank them. A captain has to salute a major, and the major must salute back..

    Yes,  MSGT has to salute a 2nd Lt.

    . You do not salute an officer in combat, or a danger zone.

    And if you see an officer doing something and he has both hands full, like carrying something,  you don't salute. You do say, " good morning, sir" or the appropriate greeting for the time of day.

    Common sense prevails.

    As they used to say in the navy,,"if it moves , salute it. if it doesn;t move, paint it."

  3. in the airforce, yes. prob for all branches of service except for something like coast guard...

    better to be safe than sorry, the worst that can happen is the higher ranking officer, says stop... and then you'd better do it one more time just to make sure :)

  4. If you are garrisoned at base, not in a combat area, every Enlisted Marine is required to salute CWOs and Commissioned Officers; and the Officers are required to return it.  If not I'll send for my Sergeant Major for a serious ***-chewing!  

    In a warzone, no salutes are to be rendered.  They made that clear and simple.  That just only lets the enemy know who is the Officer.

    If a servicemember has a Congressional Medal of Honor, everyone is to salute him, regardless of rank on both ends!

  5.             Yes you always have to salute an officer if your are outside, even if your walking and their in there vehicle. I actually got into trouble for not saluting our commander. He was in his vehicle and I was walking out to my car and wasn't paying attention. All enlisted has to salute all officers regardless of rank of each. So yes a MSgt has to salute a 2nd Lt. Heck the highest enlisted in the Air Force (Chief) has to salute the lowest officer rank (2nd Lt).

               But if your in a war zone usually their more laid back about that kind of stuff and don't care about the saluting thing so much. The only time you don' t have to salute an officer is if you or him is in your civilian clothes

  6. yes esp women officers

  7. only if he has a medal of honor

  8. short answer is yes, however it doesnt always happen. Officers must salute higher ranking officers, and a msgt must salute a 2lt. there is an entire book written on this subject. Our drill sergents in basic told us that "when in doubt, salute"

  9. Yes every time. Unless you work directly with them, then just the once. In a war zone...yes & no, depends. Officers do salute other officers and yes a Master Sergeant does have to salute 2lt.

  10. Yes they do, but if it is a normal training day and a peaceful situation. If it is a fighting situaton I mean an emergency situation when you are under attack, I don't think your boss ( Seargent or Leut) will even think about you giving a salute. Just you got to do do your job, save your friends and your self.

    You can't afford a bullet in your head simply because you have to give a salute for respect before shooting the enemy or the bad guy and saving the lives of your battalion.  

    Well that is my answer.

  11. I will speak for the USMC only since other branches have their own rules on saluting..

    Yes you always salute an officer, why wouldn't you?

    If a higher ranking officer is present then the junior officer must render the salute.

    And yes a MSGT salutes an officer no matter his rank, why wouldn't he?

    And in a war zone you use common sense. In battle you will never salute..But back in your base where everything is some what normal you do salute.

  12. yup they just find it to be common courtesy, i saluted an officer in wal-mart!!

  13. You render a salute to anyone of a higher rank whenever you are each in uniform in outdoor areas.

    There are areas of exceptions, one of them being a warzone. Saluting in a warzone only helps enemy snipers.

    Another exception might be an area where military congragate in large numbers. The center courtyard of the Pentagon for example.

  14. yes when u see an officer u salute him if he is in ur military branch or another

    in a war zone u never salute because officers are greater targets for the enemy

    and officer only salute officers that has a higher rank

  15. while covered you salute the co every time you see him/her. yes a msgt salutes a 2lt all enlisted personell salute officers rank aside.  i have no idea about the warzone my guess is yes unless i actual combat. lower ranking officers salute higher ranking officers  

  16. Yes, and you also have to salute the car if you see the blue sticker. My father is an CWO and I always get saluted because my car has officer stickers on it. You have no idea if I am the officer or not so its always better to be safe then sorry. You must always salute the car. Why wouldn't salute them? My fiancee is wearing his mess dress to the wedding and my father is wearing his choker whites. My fiancee with have to salute my father at the wedding and he knows this. There is no reason not to ever salute an officer or personal of a higher rank than you.

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