
Do you save gas by keeping ypur gas tank open?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend wants to know hes stupid!!also hes say couse he sees people driving around with it open. i told him that peole forget to shut it is he a r****d or what lmao




  1. absolutely not!

    Gasoline evaporates at quite a rapid rate, plus it is dangerous and on some cars, may turn your check engine light on.

    keep it tightly sealed for your safety !

  2. Modern emission systems work by having the gas tank under a slight vacuum.  This is done so fuel vapours are collected and burned in the engine as opposed to venting those vapours into the atmosphere.

    If you leave the gas cap off, you will not allow the emission system to do it's job properly...and no, it doesn't help with your fuel economy.

  3. KEEP THAT GAS CAP ON!  Everyone is giving you good advice.  Gas will evaporate, gas will spill out when you turn a corner.  Fires can start from the spilled gas.  Besides, gas caps are vented so air can enter the tank as gas is used.  If they weren't you would really save gas because the resulting vacume would keep any gas from getting to the engine.

  4. Definitely not, In fact many cars today will not run properly if the cap is loose or off.

  5. NO WAY!!

    The cap must be put in place for the car to run correctly.

    Occasionally people drive away without installing the gas cap.  That is a no no.

    Gasoline exposed to the atmosphere will evaporate.

    Question answered.  Now I can go to work.

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