
Do you say anything to your baby when there pooping there diaper or when your changing it?

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Do you say things like, "someone make a poopoo in there diapy," or things like that?




  1. Uh... I sing to him while I'm changing his diaper... But it's any dirty diaper, not just poo.

    We usually sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, lol

  2. I ask my 3 month old if he is making ucky duckies. Then when I change him I make silly faces and say ucky duckies over and over. He laughs and holds still when I finish.

  3. I smile at her and say, "Did you make a poopy??"  She smiles back!  

  4. LOL yeah I ask are you going a poopy? Or did someone go poopy?

  5. yup...

    when he tricks me into thinking he pooped and I change him I say (in a higher voice) No Poops??  You tricked mommy!!  Then I usually sing (because I'm a loser, and to the tune of the "Clapper commercial")

    "No poops, no poops, no poops no poops, there's no poops!  He laughs EVERY time!!

    when he does p**p I say "stinky poops"  he laughs then too!!

  6. It is extremely important to communicate with your baby when changing their diaper. It doesn't matter what you say or do. You could sing songs like "twinkle twinkle little star" or any song you want for that matter. You could just talk to the baby telling him/her how much you love her or even what you are doing to the baby like "I'm going to take off your diaper and wipe you so you're clean" and stuff. It is very important. It helps your child bond with you. That one on one time is great. It helps your child feel comforted and safe. It will also encourage the baby to babble back in the future and help develop language skills. Talk to your baby anytime though. There's nothing wrong with it! :-)

  7. I do it all the time. But I don't make it sound like it's a naughty thing to do. And when I change her diaper, I talk to her, and point out different body parts, like "Look at baby's leg. You're getting so big." I also give her lots of "Eskimo kisses" while she's on the changing table.

    Is that what you mean?

  8. I ask my daughter if she is going "caca" or if she "pee peed". I have done this since about 10 months old, she is now 17 months and tells us when she is wet or poo'd. We are starting potty training and it's been going great because she KNOWS what I'm asking her to do.

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