
Do you say the pledge of Allegiance?

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Why or why not?

Do you think children should say it in schools?




  1. of course, when it's at an event, etc. and I strongly believe children should learn the pledge in schools, they don't seem to be taught much else these days, at least they should learn to respect and have some reverence for the greatest country on earth. One Nation Under God

  2. Not since elementary school.  I don't think children should be required to say it.  Our children should find good reasons to want to love our country, not be indoctrinated with repetition.

  3. Unfortunately, I haven't had to say it since I was a young kid in elementary.  I think that's a big reason why America is falling apart, hardly anyone has national pride.  Our children are growing up with an indifference to the flag.  Kids and ADULTS joke and talk during the national anthem.  People think it's ok because they don't like Bush.  School's need to say it, every morning.  Period.  Parents and teachers need to teach patriotism, not civil disobedience for the h**l of it.  We haven't had a lagitimate reason to complain in so long...My kids will know and say the pledge and they will respect the flag and our nation.

  4. When I'm at a function where its said of course I do,

    do I say it in the morning or after lunch or after evening prayers.


    I think its fine if kids say it.

    They don't know what they are saying anyway, talk to any six year old and they will have you laughing at what they think it is.

    One nation invisible.

  5. No.

  6. When it's led at an event I say it. I haven't had to say it in years. Children should learn it at school.

  7. ofcourse they should say it in schools! WERE AMERICANS! it is an honor for all of us to say the pledge of allegiance, dont listen to what liberals say. why is it a big deal that people have a problem saying undergod? we say the pledge to honor americans and our veterans who fought for our freedom!

  8. I don't think it should be necessary to say it every morning. But I do think we should say it in big events. It shows that we are proud to be here in America, and if you are not proud to be here then the doors are wide open for them to leave. Although many complain about the word "God" in it, I think someone should stay quiet when saying the pledge of Allegiance, to show respect.... So yeah I do think America should say it in schools..

  9. No...I've been out of elementary and high school for 26 years.

    And no I don't think kids should be forced to say the Pledge.

    It's kind of like a prayer. I don't think the Pledge helps them become more civic minded, or patriotic.

  10. I think they should only say the original pledge without under god in it, What gives us the right to change in anyway. Besides it sounds childish.

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