
Do you see a difference?

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I was looking through my pregnancy photos and noticed that the last time I took a belly picture in this shirt was at 22 weeks and I'm now 27 weeks and it still looks pretty much the same to me. I thought I would have grown some by now not that I want to because I think I'm pretty huge but I was wondering anyway, do you see a difference in the 2 pictures?

22 weeks

27 weeks




  1. I do not see much of a difference

  2. Since you're not in the same position it could be effecting how big the picture looks. In one your back is against the wall and in the other your leaning back a little more.

  3. No you can tell it's bigger just in a different way

  4. i dont see much of a difference but give your belly time and it will pop out more

  5. You look a little bigger in the second.  I can see the material stretching on the shirt just a bit more on the second and it looks like the belly is higher rather than poking out further, which is perfectly normal.

  6. I cant really tell the difference, sorry.

    In week 27 the average baby is around 15 inches tall.

    Around week 29 the average baby is 2 lbs.--9 oz.

    This site is really neat and shows what your baby looks like at each week and different important things that are occuring with baby.

    and this is a very in-depth timeline about the baby:

  7. a very smal change i think

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