
Do you see a girl in this ultrasound. Profile pic show 3 lines, close up i don't know doc is sure it's a girl?

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ultrasound pic at




  1. The doctor has more experience with ultrasound pictures, so they are most likely correct.  

  2. Looks like a girl in that pic.  

  3. If the doctor is sure that it's a girl then that means something. Usually even when they're pretty sure they can't give you a 100% sure answer.  It sounds like your doctor got a good enough look to tell for sure.  Congrats!

  4. yes its a girl, i had a boy and the pic from the same view looked alot different then that

  5. looks like it, dont see anything poking out. Did you ask your ultra sound tech his or her statistics? if your unsure wait another 3 weeks and go back for another one, congrats!!

  6. The only place I see three lines is in the first picture, and those lines are your baby's ribs.  I can't see anything that would suggest gender in either of the pictures.

  7. It's definitely a girl. I'm having a boy and your picture looks nothing like mine. You would be able to see an extra leg there and there isn't.

  8. I am having a boy and my pictures look nothing like this so I would say it is a girl!

  9. looks like a girl to me...mine is obviously a boy

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