
Do you see a glass half empty or half full??? Or you've never given any thought to it???

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Do you see a glass half empty or half full??? Or you've never given any thought to it???




  1. Depends on how I'm feeling that day so usually half empty but lately I have been seeing it half full thanx to a certain someone.

  2. me more than full I see things as overflow  

  3. I see space for ice cubes and a shot or two of something interesting!

  4. half full

  5. If anyone asks me, it's half empty. So i'll just refill it

  6. i'm a positive person. i always look at things as half full glass.

    in a lighter side: positive attitude doesn't solved all the problem, but it can annoy enough people that make it worth the effort.


  7. i see a cow inside the glass

  8. I haven't seriously thought of it but I do now, thanks to u. :)

    I'm a glass half empty -I have needs that I know will never be filled in this lifetime.

    I'm half full.  I got my family, a fairly successful job,  respect of people I care about.

    Yeah, it is both ways- life is never that simple, as if we didn't know.

  9. Depending on my state of mind and emotions at the time, it can be either.

    If I'm feeling happy, positive and optimistic, I see it as half full.

    When I'm down and depressed, I see it as half empty.  

  10. Kelvi Puriyavillai.

  11. A glass ?  It's fully empty, or fully filled with air....

  12. Empty ..and I need more please..

  13. i c it half empty which means your pesamistic if yu c it half full u are optamistic

  14. half full loh....

  15. Depends on the time of the month

  16. That depends. If you give me a glassful of milk and drink it, I may say I drunk it until it's HALF EMPTY. But when you give me a half glass of milk, I will say it's HALF FULL that I'm about to drink.

  17. I say the glass is too big.  

  18. depends on situation..

    i've given a thought bout this long ago..

    when my pessimist is dominant, then i see it as glass half empty

    other wise, vice versa..

    and sometimes, i wish i can finish all the water..hehehe

  19. half full.....erm..........yeah.....err......... empty....erm..i no......half full

  20. i see a mocha coffe in my glass now   ...hmm... almost half...

  21. Does it matter? half empty or half full in the end I'm the one end up washing the glass.

    --> half empty so theres a space to fill an orange juice.

  22. it all depends wat is the action prior to it being half.....

    ...drinking = half empty

    ...filling up the glass = half full....

  23. i only see a cow swimming in empty glass full of red wine

  24. half full. that guy steve up there is's almost like do you think negative or positive

  25. Never given thought but now that you have mentioned it, I think it is half full. That is, to me is a negative view.

    Half empty is positive. Don't try to change me

  26. i always see the glass empty and its too big.

  27. Half empty.

  28. If it is empty earlier than it's half full.

    if it is full earlier than it's half empty.

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