
Do you see a push from both parties towards a more authoritarian government?

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The federal branch has been gradually expanding ever since Lincoln. Recently it has expanded at a very fast rate. Both parties seem to support this somewhat even if they disagree on which parts of the federal government they want expanded and what areas of your life they want controlled.

What do you think?

This is a purely bipartisan question.

AND PLEASE do not compare us to other countries in your answers - I am aware of the state of affairs in other countries. I am concerned about this country and making sure we are not heading in the same path as our enemies.




  1. I think it is a shame that the two major parties don't disagree a whole lot more; then they would be much less effective in their efforts to curtail freedom.

  2. i have definitely seen the federal government grow larger in the past years. it is so ironic because that was the biggest fear at the compilation of the constitution. however in this election i've seen the opposite. both candidates have said they want to leave g*y marriage, gun control, and abortion rights, potentially major issues, left to the discretion of the states. i see that obama wants the federal government to act as a global citizen, hence his major emphasis on things like energy and environment and foreign policy. mccain seems to be interested in using the federal government to improve america only, hence his standing on national security issues and economic growth. they definitely have an idea of america's place in the world, but i don't think either of their positions are authoritarian.

  3. I see a push from both parties for a more authoritarian government for David Rockefeller's goals of globalization with the Corruption of the CFR (Counsel Of Foreign Relations) and Bilderberg group in the US government (Congress members, the two front runner Presidential Candidates and the media corporations are CFR members). So they are determined to get a one world government - in control of the entire worlds oil supply and sheeple - so far they are having lots of success. Refer to Chevron/Exxon's success from the recent wars. They just need a bit more dismantling of the Constitution and they are good to go to implement the Amero currency and Body Microchip-VeriChip.

  4. Yep. Two sides of the same coin.

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