
Do you see abortion as killing a child?

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all this talk about obama and infanticide, and stuff...i dont really think abortion is killing a child, and i think that it can be a good choice at times.

what do you think?




  1. Yes, but I do support it as the mothers choice if she was raped.

  2. A child is an actual term that describes a time after birth.  An abortion IS the killing of a human being though.  Obama voted against and actively campaigned against Bill in Illinois that would have required doctors to treat a baby after it was born, that is basically infanticide..

  3. Not in the first three months after conception.  After that, it would have to be for a medical reason.  I think all children should be wanted by their parents, so parents should have the right to decide in the first twelve weeks.... and now, with the new techniques, I'll even give up two weeks, and make it 10 weeks.  How's that for bi-partisan?

  4. Absolutely it is "terminating" life.

  5. You're preaching to the choir here. I think abortion is and has always been a non-issue.

    Personally its nobody's business except for the woman who's concerned. Everyone else should just butt out already.

    This issue has done nothing but divide people and divert our attention from the real issues. After 35 years of this crud enough's enough.

  6. After a point, yes.

    I know the standard pro-life argument is that life (and by extention personhood) begins at conception.  But let's be honest, if a building was on fire and the choice was to rescue the infants or the frozen embryos, the infants would be rescued.  In practice, we do not assign the same value of humanity to an embryo as we do an infant.

    But I do believe that abortion past the point of viability is killing a child. This is where the fetus/baby is capable (with medical technology) of surviving outside of the womb.  I am also shocked that Obama voted against the measure to provide treatment to "born alive" cases. This happens when late term abortions are "botched" so that the child actually is alive when removed from the womb, intead of killed inside.  

    Abortion past the point of viability should ONLY be legal in cases where the life/health of the mother is at stake.  There's plenty of time to decide to have an abortion before this point.

  7. No, sometimes its the best option available.

  8. the only time i actually approve of abortion is if its done in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy, and in the case of the mothers health. just abortion for birth control i think is never an excuse for it.

  9. Go to youtube watch silent scream then come back and say you

    don't think abortion is killing a child.

  10. In most cases i do-i see it as killing a child.

    ALTHOUGH i must admit there are times when it must be done. If the womans life is in danger-if the woman has been raped-if the girl is extremely young -like 12 or something, In cases of incest, you get the picture.

    Now if its just some woman who goes out and screws around and gets knocked up-well darling you played the game, now its time to pay. Two adults having a one night stand is no excuse for having an abortion.  

  11. when it is used because of ignorant people being too lazy to use birth control, yes. when an abortion is botched and the baby is born alive and left to die, yes.

  12. I absolutely think it is killing a child. They have separate DNA. I also think it's a great choice at times. Any mother that is willing to snuff her own child, what kind of kid is she going to raise? I will tell you, the kind that is a thorn in everyone's side. Good riddance.

  13. It's a woman's body, therefore she should make her own choice, why should the government decide what to do with our bodies?

    &I don't think abortion is baby killing. Stem Cells, heyyy, they can SAVE lives, now anyone who isn't up for saving lives is kinda crazy.

  14. Um if you feel that way..  Just wait to find out on judgement day when you stand before your maker.

  15. I am against abortion and think that it is taking the life of an innocent child.  

    A good choice.  No.  A good choice would be prevention of pregnancy, not the taking of a life.

  16. I totally agree with your assesment.

    A fetus is an assemblage of cells with a certain direction...not a "person" as we know one, by any means, simply a potential of life.

    Once the repubs change their policy of " you MUST have this kid, but once it is born it's on you to support it" policy they may get some respect on this issue...but I'm not holding my breath.

  17. Life by definition begins at conception. There is no gray area nor is there any scientific reason to deny this as fact, so answer the question the only way it can be answered, absolutely, it is the ending of a human life, nothing less.

  18. If not a child, what is killed during an abortion??? THINK

    You can call it a "fetus" if you like, I guess that it is easier to murder a fetus than an unborn baby.  

  19. I agree with you. People who say "what if your mother had an abortion". than the obvious answer is that i wouldn't be here and im wondering what is the point to that statment. I wouldn't kno what i was missing and more importantly i wouldn't know anything because my brain wouldn't have fully developed yet  

  20. The abortions Obama is being criticized for are live birth abortions. That means a live baby living outside of the womb. He voted to have them killed. He can't escape that

  21. My personal belief is that a fetus is a child.

    Now lets ignore that completely and let me ask you a question.

    Can I stick a scapula in my dog's head and scramble it's brains?  

    No?  I'm a monster?  Well where does a fetus belong in the classification system if it's not human?  It's not part of the woman...that is's a separate entity.  So where does it fit and should it at least get more protections than animals?

  22. Yes, I do.

    Obama & Live Birth Abortion / Induced Labor Abortions / Infanticide Pro-Life Anti-Abortion Video

  23. Why do neocons harp on that Regan had the senate and house so did bush Sr they did nothing to stop abortion1

  24. YOU LIBERAL PIECE OF S..T-of course it's killing a child! Evidently your mom made the only bad choice-having you.

  25. Yes I think so.

    "it can be a good choice at times"

    Would it be a good choice if your mother aborted you?

    Oh wait, back then she was not a mother because you were not yet "human" were only a "fetus", a "clump of cells" (sarcasm). But seriously, since "pro choicers" sometimes use this argument, do you think the same in this scenario, involving yourself?

  26. no it is never a good choice to kill a child ... personally i am pro life with one exception when medical necessity demands an abortion in order to spare the life of the mother ...

  27. In my opinion it is sick. The fetus even has fingernails. I watched a video of a doctor performing an abortion, he stuck a drill looking thing into the back of its head. Many democrats are athiests and dont really have strong moral values like me, but i respect that. Thats what this country is all about freedom of religion. I just dont like how libs say that its a womans right. The woman had the right to have s*x or not, so rape is the only exception. When life is created in their womb it is now another humans right. This is my opinion i dont care if you agree or not, im just giving you an opinion from the other side of this controversial issue. MCCAIN 08!!!

  28. No, it's called hyperbole.

  29. I don't, really, but I would still have issues with it in my own life personally. However, if others choose to abort, that's not my problem, and I don't feel I have any right to tell them what they can and cannot do with their bodies.

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