
Do you see me as an American Patriot or an American Terrorist?

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I was born in the U.S.A. I love my country. I work hard for my homeland. Although I am an American, I feel as though I am a dieing breed. So many people today think that the government is supposed to take care of us. I do not believe in a Socialist Society, I despise our government. I HATE the people who run MY COUNTRY. I am not saying I hate my fellow Americans, because the Citizens no longer run the U.S.A. The tail now wags the dog.... I understand that this is a Capitalist Society, money is what makes America go 'round. I see myself as an American Patriot, others say I am Anti-American because I speak out against our Government. I feel that, as an American I should speak out against my government if I feel they are doing more harm than good. Because of my "Patriotism" I am labeled as Anti-American. I feel that our Government is the "Bully on the block." Our Government is in the way. We are the reason this country even exists. Take the power back!




  1. You are welcome to your opinion, for you live in the greatest country in the world which allows you to have that opinion and voice it.

    However, before you find yourself in prison for life, I encourage you to find a HEALTHY way to deal with your displeasure, and that is specifically, helping make healthy changes in our country.  We didnt get this way overnight and we wont change it overnight, but with the correct mindset in office, we surely can.

    I see your points and I applaude you for voicing them as well as you have.  I dont necessarily agree with all of your theory but I understand what it is to be young and passionate about how you feel.

    Do something wonderful for our country and TAKE THAT PRIDE, PASSION AND ANGER at what has happened, and MAKE CHANGES that are good for the long term health of the greatest country in the world!!!

  2. Democracy starts to die when children go to bed with empty stomachs.

  3. Start the second American revolution!

  4. Right on . You are a citizen of the United States not of the united states of america . One is a sovereign country the other is a corporation government .

  5. You my friend are a patriot, those who wish to stay uneducated and not change things in our country are the anti-american americans. All it takes for someone to do something wrong and get away with it, is for good people to do nothing.

    Its really sad when most of America just believes oh well its the government they can do as they wish, what can i do.. that really sickens me. People forget we pay those nimrods to stiff us, at least they could apologize when  they get something wrong.

  6. A democracy's downfall begins when the people learn they can vote themselves money from the public coffers

  7. isnt that the who;le point of democracy ? that people make decisions ? i agree with u , with all these public official doing what they want , and not paying attention to what the people want , all they care about is getting re- elected , i dont see how people can say u r anti american when u criticize , since u want the country to be better

  8. Nothing is more American than dissidence, it's what our country was founded on. You are an American Patriot! Be very proud that you passionately care.

    Should people in a free society feel the necessity to practice civil disobedience p***e, it is because something needs attention paid to it. If law-abiding citizens take such actions, something most likely is seriously wrong and needs to be righted.

  9. Wonderful,   if enough young people like you run for office  you can change our country, that's what Barrack Obama is trying to do!

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