
Do you see no reason why shouldn't undocumented workers should not be allow to vote?

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Do you see any reason why undocumented workers should not be allow to vote in Nov ?




  1. Voting is not important to illegal aliens, if it was, they/you would have taken steps to ensure the possibility. Illegal aliens are really only concerned about getting drunk and importing drugs and poverty into America.

  2. Unbelievable!!!!!! Let me get this straight so that  I can explain to you as simply as possible so there is no misunderstanding. You are openly admitting that you are an undocumented worker, who has crossed over, countless amounts of times, ninety five times, to be exact. And you are working here and have been all this time, earning money and supposedly paying taxes. Yet, since you obviously do not have a visa or a social security number and have still managed to get a job in this country. I'm assuming that you haven't once attempted to apply for citizenship. Which can only mean that you have no interest in becoming a U.S. citizen. But you think that just because you are comfortable enough to boldly go around our laws that were mean't for all to abide and respect. You just want the rest of us to ignore yours and sooo many others who can't even play by the rules, have a say on Who and how our representatives are to be and what issues will be decided? What arrogance! I know it might seem like no one is ever going to take action to the events that put this great country in chaos, so far. But, don't get too comfortable, because , I promise you this is all going to be coming to an end. To be able to vote in this country, is  a right to only those who are citizens of this country. So, If you want a say on who or how things are going to be decided here, I suggest you show some respect and begin applying for that right. Otherwise, If you are not willing to abide by our laws, then, don't you dare pout like a spoiled brat and wonder why you can't vote!!!!!!!

  3. Felons pay taxes and can't vote. Just because some illegals pay taxes, which most don't, doesn't give those non-citizen criminals the right to vote.

    This is not Mexico Paco, get used to it.

  4. Nope they are criminals and not citizens and they should never be allowed to vote.

  5. Being illegally in this country you are a criminal and criminal do not have the right and privilege to vote.  Get legal and do it the right way if you want a say in how the government is being run.

  6. I see every reason in the world.  I would guess that Mexican Citizens would dearly love to come to this country and make our country as filled with misery as your own.  Hain't gonna happen either.

    You vote in a countries election when you know the history and customs coupled to the culture of the nation.  Illegal aliens seldom have more than a fifth grade education and it shows in your case.  By law.. you must be a citizen to vote, and while you actively diss all of the laws you choose almost as you wish, that is a law I am hoping we can enforce.  (It would be really nice if we could stop the illegal aliens from voting to pay themselves yet more welfare.)

    Per your taxes... above and beyond all the taxes you pay, the illegal aliens take a huge amount of welfare out of the system.  One estimate is 300 billion yearly and I suspect that is correct.

    No.. you cannnot vote.  Further it should be a decision made by all and not by a few dribbling idiots in voting stations.

  7. First of all "undocumented worker" is really an illegal alien. This is one of the reason some states have new ID law before you can vote. Hopefully when illegals try to vote in those states they will be caught and deported. If phony ID is used to try and vote illegals are now required to do jail time before they are kicked out.

  8. Citizens vote.

    They aren't citizens.


  9. Yes,  to start off, If we let people with no documents vote, like they do here in California, they can vote many times

  10. Ehh, Does any of the countries these undocumented workers came from allow anyoone who's undocumented in their country vote for their presidential election??

    My suggestion, stop wasting your energy trying to un-do our system that has given all these un-documented workers what they could never have gotten in their own countries in five hundred years!!!

    By the way, the illegals like you keep claiming that they pay taxes, so how about showing some proof, my friend?

  11. What's an undocumented worker, never heard of that.

  12. They are not citizens.  I do not want foreign influence in the election the republicans do a good enough job rigging the elections.

  13. I'm not sure how to respond to your question. Is this a joke, or sarcasm?

    The reason is very obvious and you pretty much answered your question.

    They are "UNDOCUMENTED" workers. Meaning they are "ILLEGAL"

    They have no rights.

    E- If someone is here illegally how do they pay taxes? Other than sales tax.

    If your employer is taking taxes out of your check, I would be almost certain it is getting pocketed.

    They could get into trouble hiring you as an illegal. So I doubt they are going to have a paper trail showing that they are hiring illegal workers.

    When people come here illegally not only are you taking jobs from Americans you leave yourself open to be exploited by employers. The end results hurt everyone.

  14. "Undocumented" would be the first reason.

  15. well that's if we want to take every advantage from them

  16. No.  I think everyone should be allowed to vote - no matter their citizenship.  

    In fact, we should send absentee ballots to other countries to make sure more non-US citizens get a voice in how the country is run.  Only when the earth's entire 7 billion person population can legally vote will for the US presidency will we live in a truly democratic nation.

    It's hard to do on a computer, but is the sarcasm coming through?

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