
Do you see rap as constructive poetry?

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Sweets: I don't rap.




  1. Perhaps, some is, but much of it


  2. There is good poetry and there is awful, make your eyes hurt, make your teeth grind poetry.

    Then there is good rap and make your ears bleed, make your mom ill rap.

    Most of what I have ever listened to in the field of rap should be prefixed with a letter C.

    A lot of the poetry I have read could be used as wrapping for a bag of offal.

    It takes all sorts. By preference I don't like rap beats, but then again I don't suppose many rap artists like Rachmaninov either.

  3. Some of it is , MOST of it is crapola.

    I think people like Tupac and others sometimes had a story to tell that was intriguing and well written. But the junk that is mainstream is just that... junk.

  4. I'm my opinion rap is a constructive poem its a story you feel the struggle, the pain, the motivation, the rejoice, the emotion whatever it is they are telling a piece of their story their life

    then again it does depend on what you listen some is total garbage if your looking for poetry try my life - games pain or something like that

  5. Sweets got pretty excited there, huh?

    Rap can be constructive poetry.  Gangsta rap...not so much (usually, and as far as I know).  Conscious rap certainly is poetry, and I'm sure people would consider Christian rap, and maybe some other forms constructive and poetic.  


    1. the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts.

    2. literary work in metrical form; verse.

    If that's the definition of poetry, then yes...all of it technically can be considered poetry.  People forget that there's good and there's bad poetry and just assume that it's all culturally constructive because of the connotation the word gives (probably because of the first definition).  Some rap is drivel, it isn't all bad.  And yes, there are a lot of good Poets out there who rap.  Early rap, even Dizzy Rascal now, etc etc etc

  6. Yes I guess. Rap = Rhythm and Poetry :)

    and Sweets Why not try this Poem by Tupac?

    I Cry


    Sometimes when I'm alone

    I Cry,

    Cause I am on my own.

    The tears I cry are bitter and warm.

    They flow with life but take no form

    I Cry because my heart is torn.

    I find it difficult to carry on.

    If I had an ear to confiding,

    I would cry among my treasured friend,

    but who do you know that stops that long,

    to help another carry on.

    The world moves fast and it would rather pass by.

    Then to stop and see what makes one cry,

    so painful and sad.

    And sometimes...

    I Cry

    and no one cares about why.

  7. No offensive this is what i think RAP stands for;




    There, that's my opinion :)  

  8. It would be ignorant to make a distinction like that about an entire genre of music.

    The poetic works of Homer, widely considered as one of the best poets of all time were passed on orally. They were rythmic and musical and could quite easily be considered rap.

    ...If only people were open-minded enough to broaden some of the more short-sighted definitions which they've accepted.

    All music could be considered rap from a wise point of view.

    Using a select group of artists as examples only shows a lack of familiarity with rap and therefore a lacking of the ability to make any correct judgement.

  9. Some Raps are but not all of them like those sung by Eminem

  10. Yes. The poetic merit of rap is regularly distorted by the mainstream media. If i'd lived in a cave for 10 years with no knowledge of hip hop and i heard Soulja Boy or Hurricane Chris, I'd probably brand it garbage too.

    On the other hand, SOME rappers when given a chance are extremely poetic and great story tellers across wide and varied subject matter.

    Here a few to listen too:

    Common,Mos Def,Talib Kweli,MF Doom,Slum Village,Elzhi,A Tribe Called Quest,NaS,The Game(believe it or not)Ghostface,Eminem(shock?) just to name a few.

    Its simply a matter of finding the right songs and listening with an open mind.

  11. No offense to all rappers, but poetry shall be ashamed of what is called '' rap '' ...

    PLEASE Call it something els just NOT poetry ...

    ANYONE, anyone, anyone can write a ''rap song' because rap songs don't require uniqueness, talent, creativity, nor ANYTHING !

    Take a look at this >>

    Shorty I'm there for you anytime you need me

    For real girl, it's me in your world, believe me

    Nuttin make a man feel better than a woman

    Queen with a crown that be down for whatever

    There are few things that's forever, my lady

    We can make war or make babies

    Back when I was nothin

    You made a brother feel like he was somethin

    That's why I'm with you to this day boo no frontin

    Even when the skies were gray

    You would rub me on my back and say "Baby it'll be okay"

    Now that's real to a brother like me baby....

    Compare it to this ( One of my favorite poems ) >>

    Time Long Past

    Percy Bysshe Shelley

    Like the ghost of a dear friend dead

    Is Time long past.

    A tone which is now forever fled,

    A hope which is now forever past,

    A love so sweet it could not last,

    Was Time long past.

    There were sweet dreams in the night

    Of Time long past:

    And, was it sadness or delight,

    Each day a shadow onward cast

    Which made us wish it yet might last,

    That Time long past.

    There is regret, almost remorse,

    For Time long past.

    'Tis like a child's belovèd corse

    A father watches, till at last

    Beauty is like remembrance, cast

    From Time long past.

    So, what do you think ??

    Hmmm not bad, ♓ ÇђÚ_4_ℓ♆ƒ∃ ♓ Younha [Someday]

    Yet, I still believe in real poetry that '' fascinates ''me and makes me '' think'' and ''sink'' .. and poetry that can actually make me wonder if I could write such a piece of Art ... Yes, Art...

    Dear friend, far off, my lost desire,

        So far, so near in woe and weal;

        O loved the most, when most I feel

    There is a lower and a higher;

    Known and unknown; human, divine;

        Sweet human hand and lips and eye;

        Dear heavenly friend that canst not die,

    Mine, mine, for ever, ever mine;

    Strange friend, past, present, and to be;

        Loved deeplier, darklier understood;

        Behold, I dream a dream of good,

    And mingle all the world with thee.

    ****Instead of giving thumbs down , try to PROVE just like what I'm doing  ; )  ****

    ( Sorry for turning this into a debate !! But seriously, aren't we here to share knowledge and opinions? )

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