
Do you see something that no one can see?

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what and in what way.




  1. I have seen things like energy that looks like ball of trouble floating in the air and once it took over the ceiling. It looks like lightening and electricity and little storm and big when it took over the room. I have seen a demon that looked like a snake with scales but like a sleestack and it appeared from feet upward and before it got to the head I had already said in the name of Jesus get out of here and it left before I saw it's head. It was white and had sparkles. I experienced other same type things but not lately. I have too much love and faith in my house for the mess to come around I guess.

  2. Well, I used to.  I could always see the bright side even on the darkest of days.  Not the same any more.

    Life changes, unfortunately.  There are many days when I wish that old person could be back!


  3. Lines projecting from the corners of thing, and I can't step on them. They form angles out of which more lines project and so on ad nauseum. Eventually, I just get drunk to make it all stop.

  4. Before I forget: Gus I sorta do that, I imagine lines coming from the corners of objects and I avoid stepping on these lines well into the distance of the actual object itself.


    Not see, but I can 'feel' things. You know how feeling sad is different from feeling happy, or confused, or angry, or whatever? I can sometimes 'feel' other peoples feelings or state of being. It's weird.

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