
Do you see the big difference between these women: Governor Palin and Senator Clinton?

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Senator Clinton would never allow herself to be exploited for anyone's political gain. Why doesn't Governor Palin get it that she's being used to get more of Clinton's female voters? McCain and his advisers must have a low opinion of women to think it will work in his favor. Women will show they are too smart for that! And, how is she more "qualified" than Huckabee, Thompson, Giuliani or Romney? It's just that she has the right physical attributes.




  1. Sorry, but Sarah Palin has dignity that Hillary couldn't even fake if she had to.  They aren't even in the same class.

    Peddle your BS somewhere else!

  2. Yes there is an a huge gulf between the ability and the overall intelligence.  

    I found the joke that the difference between a soccer mom and a pit bull is lipstick one of those high school locker room type jokes that should be left in the High School locker room. It is certainly a unflattering generalization about women.  And I think we have all had enough of those.  Probably why McCain picked her.  He demeans women she will demean women.

    Its her right to life credentials that are all there is to her and she will appeal to those who do not take government seriously or understand how inept she would be meeting any foreign leader.

  3. Yes, Palin wants to be "America's Mommy" and tell women what to do with their bodies, what to teach our children and raise the future soldiers to sacrifice in pointless wars. Hilliary wants a good, strong education for all children, health care reform, and to keep a woman's right to choose for herself. If Palin wants to keep using her family like a mart er, then let her, but a true Hilliary believer of her message will not fall for that.

  4. The right to stick a pair of sharp scissiors in a little baby's head whether unborn or partially born? Thumbs up for the democrats and human rights.

  5. Was Palin chosen solely because she is a woman? Will she have as much power as the first lady? "Republican" and "woman" are a contradiction. We women know our rights were made possible by the democratic party.

    McCain chose her solely because she is a woman. He is delusional if he thinks Clinton supporters are that ignorant. She will have no more power or influence than the first lady.

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